🦋 dominic70 🦋

186 8 19

[ 3:33 PM ]

my eyes pop open as my body registers a cold sensation washing over me. i quickly sit up, drawing in quick breathes. i look down at myself seeing i'm drenched.

the sound of warbled laughter causes me to snap my head toward the abrupt and close noise.

a guard stands above me, a helmet hiding the face of the perpetrator. they hold a small silver bucket in their gloved hands.

"rise and shine fucker!" they yell at me, it coming out strained.

i breathe heavily trying to heat myself up, the air in the room sticking to me; giving me chills every now and then.

i spit toward their feet and stick my middle finger up at them.

the warbled laughter happens again before they walk out.

i look around.

i'm no longer in the transport truck and i'm on a cot. i'm in a small, one mirror wall room where i suspect others opposite watch me intently.

everything else is this boring shade of grey. lastly would be the door. it's got an electronic pad that beeps when they're near the door.

i look down at myself again, seeing that i'm stripped of my previous attire and wearing a two piece grey sweatshirt and pants set.

on my left ankle- after pulling my sweatpant leg up- is a cuff that's chained to the bed, that's bolted to the floor.

i grab it and yank on it.

it's definitely stuck and not going anywhere.

how long have i been out?


oh my god! dominic! i thought something happened to you!

her frantic voice fills my head in a beautiful melody. it calms me a bit from the utter confusion i'm feeling.

i told you you wouldn't be able to get rid of me. how long have i been out?

maybe almost four hours or so, i'm not sure. what happened? is everything okay?

yeah. i'm good. they injected me with something in this transport truck and i just woke up in this weird room.

i rub my neck where the sting occurred before i passed out.

there's a lady in charge apparently. she's saying that alex thinks we abandoned him.

you think she's lying?

honestly, i don't know.

you haven't seen him?

not yet princess... but if she's right-

she won't be. you're his brother. his blood. he wouldn't think that.

"nice to see you awake mr. fike," ann's voice states above me.

i look up and see a black box embedded in the ceiling. i look at the mirror, staring back at myself in the reflection.

i've got a cut lip and i look tired. i was definitely drugged.

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