bringing back the past

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I was so speechless that Edith possed me and used me to kill merida.

Elsa: IM NOT A MONSTER! Remember that Edith.

Edith: oh stop saying that dear, you killed someone so your counted as a monster.

Elsa: I'm so gonna crush you!

Edith disappeared from the mirror and approached behind me.

Edith: oh Elsa why can't you just join me. And together we can rule this world.

Elsa: never!

Edith and I had power showdown.

Edith: let's take this 'showdown' in the castle garden shall we?

Edith carried me to the castle roof and tossed me to the castle garden. I crashed and I changed into my Ice Queen dress and battled.


Anna: merida! Let anissa help you! She has healing powers!

Merida: no, let me die, just grant me my last wish. Bring my best friend back to normal.

Anissa: I'm gonna heal you whether you like it or not.

Merida grabbed the shart and pierced it into he heart and died emidiately. Anissa cried beside me, standing frozen. Lighting surrounded her hand when she opened her eyes it was glowing red.


I heard her say that sentence in a monstrous voice. Anissa destroyed the door with a lightning blast. Every step she takes black burn marks appear on the floor. Anissa looked for Edith until she heard a scream from the castle garden. I remembered that Elsa and Edith are desame person. So if I bring back our good childhood times she'll go back to normal.

Anna: I gotta get that snow flake globe that Elsa gave me when I was 8 years old.

The good thing is anissa started running to find the scream where was coming from. I ran back to my room and found merida's body laying hopelessly on the floor I placed her on my bed with ice flowers. And looked for the snow globe.


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