Chapter 8

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"Nikki?" James' words echoed over and over in my head. I stood there awkwardly watching this encounter and watching her attack his face.

Girlfriend better back up.

I saw James pull away, (not soon enough) and look awkwardly in between what's her face and myself.

"Taylor Blake, this is-" James is cut short of his introduction by what's her face herself.

"Nicole Williams. Pleasure to meet the woman my husband has been seeing."

Wait what.


"Taylor I can explain," James starts as he walks toward me slowly. I back away from him, unsure of what to do or say to this while keeping calm in the middle of a restaurant. I'm very thankful were seated in the back at the moment.

"James, you have a wife? I, I can't do this." I start to walk away while wiping the tears from my eyes.

"Nikki, that's not fair. You know that's not how it is." James practically shouts at this woman.

"It is too! And it was only going to last a short time between you and that skank anyway so I did you a favor."

My head whips around at that moment.

Homegirl didn't just go there.

"Um excuse me? I didn't do anything wrong here. I didn't even know James was married, if I had then it would have been different."

"There you have it. Typical American, trying to blame their problems on everyone else." She snips at me as she squints her eyes, pretending to be disgusted.

"Nikki, she is nothing like you think! She is so incredible. She has no idea about what my life is really like and does not use me for what I have, unlike you! Now apologize and then I want you to leave here without another word!"

Nikki's mouth is hanging wide open in shock, and I'm sure mine is the same way.

She mumbles an 'I'm sorry' under her breath and storms out.

"Taylor, please. I know I have a lot of explaining to do, but please just hear me out."

I sigh. "Fine, five minutes."

"Ok, well, my family is really, really wealthy. My father owns a very big publishing company here in London that has offices all over the world. He was in trouble last year financially and had to merge his company with another.
That company happened to be Nikki's father's company. The only way he agreed to signing with my father was if I married her.
I married her about eight months ago and it's strictly business. I didn't want to, but my older sister is my parents favorite of the family, and my mum and dad always look at my life as one disappointment after another.
I wanted to show them that I would do anything for them. I know I should have told you that I'm wealthy and that I'm in a forced marriage. I am so sorry you found out this way."


"So you don't have real feelings for her? And is that how you have been taking me to fancy restaurants and how you own a nightclub?"

"That's right. It's a mess, and I really wanted to meet someone that wouldn't like me simply for my money. I want someone to love me for me."

As messed up as this is, I sort of get it. I reach for his hand and smile up at him.

"I'm not saying I'm ok with all of this or that I'm not mad that you lied to me, but I need to process what all just happened. "

"You're right. Thank you for at least hearing what I had to say."

I nod and sit back down in my chair. "So, tell me more about this 'marriage'."


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