Ch 28

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Thanks so much for being patient. I am finally on spring break as of tomorrow, so I am shooting to write at least 3 or 4 chapters for this story. I know I said that it is almost finished, but I'm not going to put a cap on it. I'm just going to tie up all of the loose ends and see where that goes :) If you have any suggestions of what you would like to see happen in the end, let me know in the comments. I have an idea of what I want to happen, but it would be interesting to see what other people think :)

Song of the chapter: Head Or Your Heart by Matt Kearney (Matt Kearney is my new obsession. If you have never listened to his music, I highly recommend checking it out.)


After spending about 2 hours talking on the phone with my mum, I felt a lot better. Not just about what to do about Taylor, but about my relationship with her as well. My mum and I had a long talk about why she did what she did and left me to grow up with Walter. She felt like a horrible person for doing so, but felt that it would be better for me to grow up in England with him at that time in her life.

I have spent most of my life being angry. Angry at Walter, angry at the world, and angry at her. In my mind, my mum left me just for selfish reasons. I thought that she had just given up on our family, and thought that because it was too hard, she picked up her things and left. However, after all these years, I finally found out the truth.

I had finally gotten my relationship with my mum back. It would take some time to rebuild the relationship to what it once was after all of these years, but I had my mum in my life again.

As I sit here on the plane, I think back to what she said.

"James, love is something that people have been trying to figure out since the beginning of time. The truth is, no one knows the secret to making it work. My best advice to you would be to give it time. The greatest loves in life can last any amount of time apart. If two souls are meant to be together, they will meet again one day."

After hearing this, I didn't know what to think. I wanted to be with Taylor for the rest of my life, and my mother was telling me to let her go?

This made me angry in a way. How can I just let the girl of my dreams slip away? I wanted a life with her. We could finish university together, travel the world for a few years, get married, start a family.

I wanted to spend every day of the rest of my life with her. So how am I supposed to let her live a life without me, and I her?

It would be hard, but it was looking like this was what I had to do. Taylor and I were meant to be. We would find each other in the end.


9 days.

It had been 9 days since my heart had been broken by the love of my life. I was currently in bed, only getting up to use the bathroom, then rolling myself back up like a Chipotle burrito and going back to crying.

Day 6 was when I ran out of tears though. Now I just sat in my dark room and waited for anything to come out. Once, a bit of a sob escaped, but it just sounded like a dying animal. I hadn't spoken since that day that my parents picked me up from the airport. My dad was so worried when he saw me, he looked like he could pass out at how upset I was. My mom was the tough one in a crisis, and hurried me to the car to get me home and in bed as fast as possible.

They had been giving me my space for the most part, but my dad just walked into my room and is now staring at me, waiting for me to say anything.

I stared at him, unsure of what to say.

"Tay, we gotta talk."


He sighed. "Ok. I'll do the talking, if you promise to listen to what I say. Well, it...your mom and I are really worried about you. As much as we want you to feel better and get over this rough patch in your life, you can't move on by laying in bed for the rest of your life. I think you need to get up, and shower,....please shower. Then we can all watch a movie together downstairs. How about that?"

My dad, bless his little heart. My parents were the sweetest, most caring people I knew. However, this didn't happen to them. It happened to me. They didn't know what I was going through.

"Dad you don't get it." My voice cracking and sounding weak after a week of not talking.

"Taylor, I know I don't. But, there was a time when I was uncertain about my future with your mom. And you know what helped me get through it?"

I shook my head.

"Remembering the good times, and reminding myself that better times are ahead. Whether they are with James or not, I don't know, but better times are coming, sweetie."



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