Ch 20

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Thank you all for the feedback on the last chapter! And sorry it took so long to upload chapter 20, I have been moving back home from college, trying to get a job, and dealing with boy drama :'D Anyways, enjoy!


I stood there in shock as I saw Taylor lying there. She appeared to be unconscious from the wreck. Once I had taken a moment, I scooped her up into my arms. I could hear a siren in the distance and I prayed that it was for her.

It turned out to in fact be for her and she was rushed to the nearest hospital.

I was sitting in the back of the car with her and I tried to stay strong, but it was so hard when she looked like this, so helpless.

"Taylor, please, please wake up." I pleaded.

It turned out that Taylor had a few broken ribs from being hit with the car and a small concussion from being hit so hard. The doctor said that she must stay here for a few days to get her strength up but should make a full recovery.

I decided to call Zoe and let her know what had happened, and she said that she would travel over to see Taylor later in the day. I also thought it be best to call her parents, but I was a bit nervous to do so.

I took the telephone number from Taylor's cellphone and dialed her mother's number.


"Yes hello, this Mackenzie Blake?"

"Yes. Who is this?"

"This is James Hudson. I am sorry to bother you ma'am but I am your daughter's boyfriend and I have to tell-"

"Oh my goodness! That's right! She has told me so much about you! It really isn't my place to say this and Tay will probably kill me for it, but she is head over heels for you James."

"I'm glad to hear it. I feel the same way towards your daughter, and I wish I were calling on better terms Mrs. Blake. Your daughter was hit by a vehicle in Paris this morning. She is at the hospital now and has a few broken ribs and a concussion, but she will be fine."

"Oh no! Are they sure she will be ok? Can I speak with her?"

"yes, she will be all right. She hasn't woken up yet but I will let her know that I spoke with you. I know you are worried but I thought you needed to know."

"Thank you so much James. Have her call her father and I when she wakes up ok? And thank you so much for taking care of her James. She is very lucky."

Once I hung up with Mrs. Blake, I went in to Taylor's room to sit with her and wait for her to wake up.

(hours later)


My head was pounding and the room was too dark to see much. I heard many different beeping noises and could faintly see a figure who had their head rested against the side of the bed. I recognized James was the one sleeping at the side of my bed and smiled. I wasn't 100 percent sure what had happened, but I'm glad he was here with me.

I grabbed his hand  and he immediately stirred. He sat up and looked at me while yawning.

"Thank goodness you're awake." He said and hugged me tightly.

His hug was so warm and comforting, but very tight and I could feel a sharp pain in my lower body.

"Not so tight," I giggled and he immediately pulled away. "What happened?" He sighed in response.

"You were hit by a car, Taylor. Not just any car might I add." What? He could probably see the confusion on my face. "I received a call from Nikki moments before the accident. She said something along the lines of she warned me not to be with you. I don't think that you being hit right after was merely a coincidence, but the car that hit you sped off before I could get any information. I am so sorry. This is all my fault."

"James, this is definitely not your fault. Nikki did this and there wasn't anything you could have done to stop it." I grabbed his hand in mine for reassurance, but he quickly stood up and started pacing the room instead.

"You don't understand," He finally said after a few minutes of silence. He looked at me and I could now see his eyes were watery. "I was the one who told you to cross the road without me. I was the one who allowed the driver to hit you. I love you so much Taylor, but this was all my fault. I,....I need some time to think. You should call your mum, she's been worried about you. The nurse said that you will be released tomorrow. I will come by later tonight to check on you but right now, you are better off without me." He leaned over and kissed my forehead and left.

You are better off without me.

The words stung, even if they weren't meant the way he said them . I could read between the lines on this one to know that he wanted to stay away to protect me when in fact, I have never felt more safe than I do when I'm with him.

I then dialed his number and left him the sixth voicemail in a row.

"I don't care about Nikki. I don't care about your father. I know you think keeping me safe means you stay away, but I feel safe only when I am with you."

I then closed my eyes in hope that when I wake, he would be sitting in the chair beside me like he had this morning.

******* AWWWW :(

Next chapter will be up by Thursday!

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