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The early morning light filtered through the gauzy curtains of Ariel's bedroom, casting a soft glow on the pale blue walls. The gentle hum of the ocean waves, a comforting constant in her life, mingled with the chirping of distant birds, signaling the start of a new day. Ariel stirred from her sleep, her mind still wrapped in the warmth of her dreams.

She stretched lazily before sliding out of bed, her feet touching the cool wooden floor. Moby, who had spent the night curled up at the foot of her bed, blinked sleepily and let out a soft meow as Ariel moved about the room. She smiled at him, giving him a quick pat before heading to the bathroom.

The morning routine was familiar and comforting. Ariel brushed her teeth with deliberate strokes, savoring the minty freshness that marked the start of each day. After rinsing, she reached for her hairbrush, working through the tangles in her beach blonde hair. With practiced ease, she braided her hair back and secured it with a black headband, keeping her hair neatly out of her face for the day ahead.

In the kitchen, Ariel decided on a simple breakfast: a bowl of yogurt with a sprinkle of granola. She retrieved a small bowl from the cabinet and spooned out a generous portion of Greek yogurt, adding a handful of granola on top. As she prepared her breakfast, the soft purr of Moby followed her every movement, his contented presence a soothing start to her morning.

Before diving into her yogurt, Ariel made her way down the hall to her younger brother's room. Bodie's door was slightly ajar, and she pushed it open quietly. The room was still dimly lit, the only light coming from the soft glow of a nightlight near Bodie's bed. Her little brother was curled up under his blankets, his chest rising and falling gently with each breath.

Ariel tiptoed over to the bed, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on Bodie's forehead. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she whispered softly. "Hope you have a great day at school."

Bodie stirred slightly but didn't wake, and Ariel smiled as she slipped back out of the room, careful not to make any noise. She returned to the kitchen, where she picked up her bowl of yogurt and sat down at the small breakfast nook. Moby padded over to her, rubbing against her legs as she ate.

With breakfast finished, Ariel slid her sandals onto her feet, grabbed her bag, and gave Moby one last affectionate pat. "See you later, Moby. I'll be back after work."

Moby meowed in response, his eyes following her as she headed for the door. Ariel stepped outside into the fresh morning air, feeling the cool breeze against her face as she walked to her car. The drive to The Book Nook was a short one, but the journey was often a time for Ariel to mentally prepare for her day.

Upon arriving at the shop, Ariel unlocked the door and stepped inside, immediately greeted by the familiar, comforting scent of old books. She turned on the lights and made her way to the back room to start her morning routine. First, she turned on the small faucet in the back room to let the water run, enjoying the soft gurgling sound that filled the quiet space.

Next, she approached Salem's cozy bed on the counter, where the grey striped cat was still curled up in a ball. Ariel reached out a hand to gently scratch his head, and Salem responded with a contented purr. "Good morning, Salem," she said softly. "Time for breakfast."

She scooped out a portion of cat food into Salem's dish, placing it carefully on the counter. Salem stretched and yawned before padding over to his food with evident enthusiasm.

With Salem happily eating, Ariel turned her attention to her writing. She retrieved her notepad from its usual spot on the counter, the pages crisp and waiting to be filled. Ariel had been working on a few ideas for a potential story, and she was eager to make some progress.

Settling into her usual spot behind the counter, she began to jot down her thoughts and ideas. The quiet of the shop was a perfect backdrop for her creativity, and Ariel found solace in the rhythm of writing. The morning light streaming through the windows illuminated the room, casting a warm glow over her workspace.

As she wrote, Ariel felt a sense of calm and satisfaction. The bookshop was her sanctuary, a place where she could blend her love for literature with her creative aspirations. The gentle purring of Salem and the occasional rustling of pages created a soothing ambiance, allowing her to focus and immerse herself in her work.

The morning passed peacefully, marked by the steady routine of opening the shop and preparing for the day ahead. Ariel felt a renewed sense of purpose and optimism as she continued to write, her thoughts drifting to the future and the possibilities that lay ahead. The Book Nook was not just a job for her; it was a place where she could connect with her passions and create something meaningful.

As the morning progressed and the shop began to come alive with the quiet hum of activity, Ariel felt grateful for the simple joys of her daily routine. Each day was a new chapter, and she was excited to see where her journey would lead.

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