2: Matryoshka dolls

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Author's Note:

Content warning: Potential graphic depictions of heterosexuality.

Not endgame, but this is seriously describing straight people sex.

If you don't wanna read that, I seriously don't mind you skipping this one!


How It Happened

Meredith Grey asks Mark Sloan what it was like when he screwed her current girlfriend Addison Montgomery, years ago. Addison nods at him, and Mark gives Meredith an answer.

A current MerAdd, with a Maddison flashback, fanfiction.

And bobbiejelly's very first attempt at writing straight sex.

Rated E for Explicit. You're welcome. ;)

Chapter 2: Matryoshka dolls

"So what was it like, to fuck her, I mean?" Meredith Grey asks Mark Sloan one day while they're both sitting across from each other in the Attending's lounge and Meredith's head is tucked onto Addison Montgomery's shoulder.

"Addison and I, 'doing it,' It wasn't supposed to have happened," Mark Sloan blurts out.

"Well, duh," says Addison Montgomery, dryly.

"Umm," says Meredith Grey awkwardly.

"We were in the Brownstone. Derek's Brownstone. Derek's bed in Derek's Brownstone. I was inside of Derek's wife inside of Derek's bed inside of Derek's Brownstone..." Mark says immediately and then sort of regrets putting it like that.

"MARK!?" Says Addison.

"It's sort of true?" Says Mark.

"To be fair, back in the day, I was inside of Addison's husband inside of Addison's bed inside of Addison's half-co-owned trailer so I mean, I sorta get what you mean, just like, in the dirty mistresses club phenomenon and all..." Says Meredith awkwardly, and this earns a wince from Addison, who doesn't like to hear about Meredith and Derek because it makes her jealous of her ex-husband.

"Shall I go on? Or are we going to just continue with the metaphors about Russian Wooden Nesting Dolls" Says Mark.

"Go ahead, McSteamy, and I can tell you wanna talk more about your damn 'wood," says Meredith with a huff.

"Wait, Meredith, go back a second, you were 'inside of Derek!?" Says Addison to Meredith.

"He wanted me to put my finger up his-" Meredith begins.

"Right. He really liked that. How could I have forgotten..." Says Addison.

"Are you going to just sit here and talk about how you both put your digits up Derek's ass or are you gonna let me continue my story!?" Says Mark.

"Jeez Mark, are you just jealous you didn't get to stick your fingers up your best friend's butt!?" Says Meredith.

"Wait, or have you already done that?" Says Addison.

"AS I WAS SAYING ABOUT ADDISON AND I BACK IN THE DAY-" Mark glosses over all of the other comments to continue his storytelling quest.

"Go on then I guess," says Meredith.

"He was going to anyway..." Says Addison, smirking.

"So she was all gorgeous and hot and ready and-" Mark continues.

"You really do describe her like a porno," says Meredith.

"He does," says Addison.

"Hey, she's your girlfriend now, I bet you totally do too!" Says Sloan.

"Are you gonna keep narrating your sex story or what?" Says Meredith.

Mark grumbles and Addison smirks at Meredith when he forgot to press her about her damn answer.

"So I was getting her naked. I think I ripped off all of her clothing," says Mark.

"He did," says Addison. "He tore my new blouse. I had to order a new one," says Addison.

"Gosh, you couldn't undo the buttons?" Says Meredith.

"Like you've never wanted to rip her clothes off!" Says McSteamy.

"Yeah, all the time. But I only actually do that when it's like, scrubs or something really old and cheap, which is hardly ever because it's Addison so usually I have to tease her with my kisses as I undo her buttons one by one..." Says Meredith.

Addison hums appreciatively at Meredith's concern for her fashion choices.

"Okay, so after I ripped off her clothes she was naked. And I wasn't yet. So she undid my belt buckle and opened my button and undid my zipper and I was so-" Mark continues.

"It looked a little uncomfortable," offers Addison.

"Probably," says Meredith with a giggle.

"HEY, can you blame me!? You've seen her naked. She's gorgeous!" Mark exclaims.

Addison smiles, then feels guilty and looks even guiltier.

"It's okay, Addison. It's okay for you to like Mark complimenting you, I get jealous when you look at other people yourself, not when someone appreciates you and you appreciate that. Plus I couldn't agree more with Mark about you being gorgeous," says Meredith sweetly.

Addison nestles her head into Meredith's.

"Thank you," says Addison. "I just sometimes need the validation of being like, sexy," she says softly.

"Oh, you're more than sexy," says Meredith licking her lips.

"She is," says Mark, interrupting Meredith and Addison's moment and reminding them that he's here.

"Thanks, for sharing all of this," says Meredith to Mark sweetly.

Addison lets out a breath of relief. She's glad that her girlfriend and one of her best friends get along.

Mark Sloan continues to talk, Meredith Grey continues to listen, and Addison Montgomery continues to cuddle her girlfriend close into her chest protectively.


Author's Note:

Right, so barely anything happened yet.

Why are my burns so slow!?


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2020 ⏰

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