~requested~ VintageBxbe
I will probably edit this one day sorry if this sucks...I was walking on the side walk with my best friend, Dallas and my boyfriend, Two-Bit. I've known Dallas from New York. I moved with him to get away from my drunken parents.
As we were walking Dallas decided to wrap his arm around my waist, I didn't really care because he always does this.
"Hey dollface, what do ya say we go to the movies, ya know all 3 of us and johnnycakes too." Dallas and I would joke by calling each other pet names a lot.
"Of course prettyboy. What do you say babe wanna come with us?" I asked two-bit.
"Yea, sure whatever" Two said looking down at the ground. I reached for his hand but he just swatted it off.
-TIME SKIP (brought to you by castiel)-
When we got to the movies I sat next to Dallas on my left and two-bit too my right. Johnny decided to hang with pony instead.
"Hey dal-" I asked before he cut me off.
"That's not my name babycakes"
"okay okay, hey honey can you go get a coke please?"
"Whatever you need sweetie." Dallas said kissing my head.
"Hey baby?" I asked two bit. He didn't respond. So I laid my head on his chest, until he pushed me off keeping his eyes on the screen. 'Damn what the hell is up with him' I thought to myself. I just sat there and watched the movie until Dallas came back.
"Here ya go!" Dal said handing me my coke.
"Oh my gosh thank youuu." I said.
I reached for twos hand but he swatted it away. There were two soc girls near us so dal got up and when tent to flirt with them, probably gonna get kicked out within 5 minutes.
"Two what the hell is up" I asked two in a whisper yell voice, trying not to disturb the people around us. He didn't answer me but instead he just got up to leave. I followed him and kept saying his name until I said "KEITH DAVID MATTHEWS, WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU IGNORING ME?" I yelled tears vigorously running down my face. He stopped in his tracks are turned to face me. I walked closer to him so I was only 3 feet in front of him.
"YOU MEAN DALLAS? HES MY BEST FRIEND WE HAVE BEEN JOKING LIKE THAG SIMCE WE WERE YOUNGER IT'S JUST WHAT WE DO" I said taking a step closer to him "Keith I would never ever cheat on you. Especially with Dallas. I love you to the moon and back. Please. Please. Stop ignoring me." He nodded and wrapped his arms around my waist nuzzling his head into my neck as I wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. "I love you Keith Matthews and I would never ever hurt you."
"I know I'm so so sorry. And you have no idea how much I love you y/n. I love you to the moon and back y/n y/l/n" and with that we never hurt each other again not wanting to go through the pain again.
A/n I'm sorry I know this sucks but I haven't posted in awhile. Please leave requests!

The outsiders imagines
Random~Requests closed~ -just keep reading i promise (hope) they get better- -all are y/n- -LMAO I STARTED WRITING RHIS TWO YEARS AGO SO I HOPE IM A LOT BETTER NOW-