2 |The Marabout's 1000 Profound Steps.[Earth, Mountain, And Sky]

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AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, I'm not yet back but this was what I was able to write. I hope you enjoy reading.. :)


As he made to leave the hall, a hand playfully smacked him by the shoulder. His eyes traced the hand to the owner; a courtly dressed teenage boy who was a little shorter than him, but on the range of average. This was because Abdul Bâqi was tall in height. Moreover he was older than the owner of the hand.

The radiant face of a smiling Prince Firdaws looked up at him. Beside him was an elegantly dressed noble of reddish brown hair, whose eyes somehow made him think of Ukashah.

One other thing that caught Abdul Bâqi's eye about them was the Fez they wore on their heads; with coloured tassels. 

They're Mureeds..

“Firdaws..”Abdul Bâqi frowned, his voice low.

My~, well I'm charmed!” The Prince exclaimed in pleasant surprise. His eyes were shining brightly, although in playful jest,“One of the five famous reciters of our era does remember my name!”

Oh~ quit with the drama..! Abdul Bâqi chuckled. With Firdaws' repugnant character which he showed them two years ago, and his position as the First Prince of Qalb-ul-Ard, none of they five would easily forget him. Abdul Bâqi remembered well how the prince had irked all five of them during the Hâ Mîm days, whilst claiming to be their fervent fan. When he came here two years ago, he and his family had been given a lodge within Ath-Thurayya, but had rather repaired to living in a location on the suburbs of the Capital. He had kept away from the royal family and Ath-Thurayya till now. Sky Legacy Haven was one of the seven grand architecture of the Ath-Thurayya complex of palatial buildings, so he knew he'd eventually meet him.

“Well, that leaves only my companion here right?” Prince Firdaws smiled, gesturing towards Ihtisham.

“Ihtisham, meet Abdul Bâqi. Abdul Bâqi, Ihtisham.”

Abdul Bâqi looked towards Ihtisham upon hearing his name. Their eyes locked in that moment, and things clicked! They even look alike.. Abdul Bâqi thought. Apparently it was no rumour that the Crown Prince of the former King and regime of Baladus Sulaymân was here all along..

“Wait.. You're an Al Aswâdi, right?” Ihtisham said in a cheerful and clear voice, stretching his hand to greet the Al Aswâdi,“I'm Prince—”

“I know who you're.” Abdul Bâqi said blandly, but he couldn't stop the frown that crept up his face. His arms remained folded on his chest, and he made no indication of seeing the suspended hand ready for a handshake.


Was it that hard for this boy not to frown? He was starting to believe this boy held a grudge towards everybody here at Sky Legacy Haven. It didn't matter whether he knew them personally or not. With lips pressed into a thin line, Ihtisham retrieved his outstretched hand to his side.

It happened that, not long after his family had moved to An-Nûn and reconnected with the rest of their tribe who had similarly populated the suburban region, the name of the Crown Prince of his home country and news of him had been continuously circulating round his tribe members, the Al Aswadi. To them, he was like a beacon of hope, and for a time now, Abdul Bâqi had wondered if the tribe's gradual immigration into Madinatu Anwar was not all because of him. They were rallying around King Sulaymân's son, perhaps in hopes of he leading a rebellion one day in their country which had fallen into the hands of the mages. Abdul Bâqi's own family had come here only two years ago, and that was because of what had happened to him. However, during the two years being here with his knowledge of Ukashah's true identity, he rethought why his father had chosen to enter Tâ Hâ when first they arrived in this country in his childhood years. Was it because of Ukashah all this time..? His father was a former official of King Sulaymân's Court, who had retired early to live in the countryside with his family. He wouldn't be surprised if he was held privy to news as secret as the locations of the two princes' whereabouts among those who were loyal to the Crown.

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