9 |The Marabout's 1000 Profound Steps.[The Pattern Of Water And Time]

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AsSalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, dear treasured readers!:))) I know I'm late, but it's Friday C. E. where I'm (We're yet to pray Isha btw), so I'm still on schedule, lol! XXD

Sorry for the long wait. Hope you are all doing well!

So our quest continues!


It did not take but a breath of time for that silly grin to fall off his face, and in its place, ..was a dismal smile. His eyes turned soft, with a sad expression.

No.. They probably wouldn't do that.. Not now, not after everything that has happened.

"Jeez.."Abdul Bâqi said, rubbing his nose, abashed,"I didn't even get to see Ustadh's reaction when I recited at Hâ Mîm..

I probably would never have that chance now.." He looked up and smiled; Wherever they all are, I hope they're all fine and well, and Allah keeps them safe.. We all chose our different paths, so wherever we're..we should similarly live to the best of our ability.

As Abdul Bâqi looked up, staring at the sixth keystone and its surrounding voussoirs, a look of resolution surfaced on his countenance. The inscriptions flashed brightly before his piercing eyes, in the piebald golden sun.

(خ ل ق) ( ر ز ق ) ( ن ه ر ) ( ب ل د ) ( و ق ت )

Abdul Bâqi looked to the side and caught hold of the plinth. Just as the Doyen Sheikh Tariq had said, there were plinths to the sides at each point where he reached an archway. Made of pure marble, the plinths reflected off the light of the golden late afternoon sun, and upon them he found the scrolls encased in red copper, a brush and an ink vial.

He took the red copper case and removed a scroll, unfolding it. The paper was pristine, so much so that when he had first seen it, he had thought not to use it. Had they given these to him for free, he'd have made much profit by it. And yet here they were-letting students use over 200 of them on a test.. Such a pity.. He took the scroll down to write, dampening the bristles of the brush in ink. He twirled the brush handle in his right hand just as he imagined his Ustadh would do, and brought it down on the scroll parchment, his tongue licking his lips with a greedy expression on his face as he set to work.

Such expensive parchment! He certainly was not going to waste it! He intoned with a look of righteous indignation. The seconds ticked by as he wrote..

'Khalq' (Creation), in the verse...

'Rizq' (Sustenance); the ayaat are so uncountable! He shook his head smugly, licking his lips as he wrote down, muttering to himself,"But the ayah that comes to mind is.."


'Nahr' (River)..

How many of the verses of Qur'an but that they speak of 'Jannatin tajrii min tahtihal anhaar'..!? He thought, then he raised his head with a frown on his face.

He could literally write all of them down here! But oh well~ given the limited quest duration, just one too was enough..


For 'Balad' (Country/Land), ah~ there was the opening verse of Surah Al Balad, or should he go with 'Wa haadhal Baladil Amiin' - of Surah At-Tîn..

"I probably should go with the simpler and shorter verses, that'll save time. That being said, for 'Waqt' - the ayah of Surah Sâd - 'Ilaa yawmil waqtil ma'lûm' would do." As he concluded writing, a smug smile appeared on his face.

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