Chapter I

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Heyo! This is my first Legolas x reader book. I decided to make one, cause for some reasons. I dedicate this book to all the people that really like Legolas. I will not be changing the insert with your name as in: (Y/N). That's just not a x reader. Many people have inspired me to make a Legolas book, I thank you all. I hope you enjoy.

(Y/N)'s pov At her home (Family apartment)

Those dreams keeping coming back. Every night, every time. Over and over, constant scenes of those dreams keep coming back. Was the dreams trying to tell me something? Well, I don't know. All I do know is: sometimes I can't remember, and I wake up soaking wet from my sweat. Two types of dreams keep coming back, every night. Each time I go to sleep it happens and I can't escape. The same fate keeps happening. Death.

That's why I don't sleep anymore. I sat up in my bed and took a look at the clock to my right that was on my night stand, it said: 3:00 am, in bold red. I groaned as I knew I wasn't going to get back to sleep. If I do go back to sleep I just hope I won't get those two dreams. I decided to read my favourite book: Lord of the Rings. I just love all of the adventures, how beautiful the places are to how brave all the characters were. Every time I see the name Legolas, my heart just flutters. Before I knew it I fell asleep.

The same dreams came back, it was always the first one before the second one.

1st dream.

I was in the pits of Rome, I chose not to be a slave. Aw, just how they treated woman back then makes me sick. I was siting on a wooden bench right under the Colosseum. That is the place where Gladiators would get ready. Even know I was suppose to be a slave, I ran. I had gladiator armor on with a sword near my waist. Gladiators were suppose to surpass every challenge that a Roman would throw at them. They fight for freedom. One by one we would get called forward to face our challengers. I waited my turn, until I was called out. I got up as I felt a pit in my stomach, oh this was not going to end well... (Sorry most of the pandemic I have been watching all the seasons to Spartacus.)

I went through the entrance to the pit. I got rotten vegetables thrown on me. A lot of very nasty people yelled many different insults at me.

"You stupid slave!" Was one of the insults. I would rather not say the rest. I went to the middle of the pit, my challengers came.

I was going to fight until I won, it was no easy task. I got many cuts to my body, and almost got my arm cut off. There was 3 in total that I had to fight. The crowd didn't like this thought very well. 2 were left cause I sliced this one fella's throat then it made 2 left. I had my focus on the person in front of me. I was caught off guard when I was stab through the body with a spear from behind. That was so not cool, when your enemy stabs or kills you from behind that is considered: Not a Honorable death or kill. Everything went black.

2nd dream.

I was standing in a old Victorian home, it look like a study room of some sort. A man was siting at a desk filling out some paper work. I look down to see I was wearing a light blue dress that look very expensive. I walk up to the desk, that was place in the back of the room. The man looks up to me and smiles.

"My daughter, I need to discus some matters with you." I nodded, cause the same things always happens. The same scenes over and over.

"It's about your arrange marriage. The man you are suppose to marry. His name is Samuel." I shook my head as I knew I didn't want this to happen. This name kept ringing in my head:, 'Leon'. I knew this guy named 'Samuel' was going to walk through the door any minute. I look to the door that was on your left. Then a knock was heard, from that same door, 'On time.' I thought.

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