chapter 3:getting killed by a fallen

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In the morning

Lincoln was laying on the bed so he slowly opened his eyes and sees that he was in his bed

Lincoln:nani(what the)...

He placed his hand on his head because felt a headache

Lincoln:how am I here..!!!

He realized that he was about to get killed by two fallen angels and when he heard that they were talking about some gear so he let out a sigh and decided to get ready for school

Lincoln's POV

Once I arrived everything was normal I told taro about what happened but it seemed that he doesn't remember anything about it possible that Iris did something to his memories

I've also noticed that the same thing happened with issei him telling his two perverted friends about yesterday and they don't remember a thing

End of POV

When class ended he was walking in the plaza were he met that girl

Lincoln:this is where that girl and I started dating...

Lincoln in his view he was seeing red and he's able to hear anyone from far away so be left the mall and went to the same park were he got almost killed and that's when he saw issei


The young man then approached him but issei

Issei:this is the park were I took yuuma on our first date it was real...linc bro you don't think I'm crazy right?

Lincoln:I thought it was some dream did happen

Issei:it couldn't been a dream..I remember every single thing about it

Then both of them heard someone behind them and they looked back to see a man wearing a gray fedora

Then both of them heard someone behind them and they looked back to see a man wearing a gray fedora

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???:well this really unfortunate me running into the both of you that is

Both Lincoln and issei felt something and they back up a little for some reason then ran away

???:looking for a way out?

Lincoln:that guy has to be dangerous..I better run quick

When they ran both of them saw black feathers falling from the sky

Issei:what is going on?...feathers?!

Issei looked up thinking that yuuma but he saw the man with black wings on his back and the man lands in front of them blocking their way

???:such cowardice I can't afford to hunt two lower class beings

Issei:no how can this be real?!


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