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Time was drawing closer to the girls' Dark Baptism, but because of Sabrinas hesitancy, Father Blackwood had come to the house to ease her of her doubts. Amalia was questioned if she was feeling the same as Sabrina, to which she replied no. Father Blackwood seemed relieved at that, and rather annoyed with Sabrina. As was Amalia.

After their discussion, Ambrose brought him down to the basement to look at a body, unsure if it had a witch's mark or not.

"Poor boy, alone in the world. Raised by mortals" he said with a frown. "Never baptized" he said, looking at Sabrina, as well as their aunties. "Think of what he might've accomplished. Tragic, really."

"His murder hasn't been solved. I've been checking the papers, the news. So, we've started to wonder if there might not be a witch hunter in our midst" Ambrose spoke. "Highly unlikely" "But possible."

Father Blackwood said he'd speak to the council, then left. They all went back upstairs, and to their rooms. Amalia couldn't sleep, so she went to Ambroses room and knocked. "Come in" he called, and Amalia slowly opened the door. "Can we talk?" She asked. "Of course" he said, moving over and patting the spot next to him.

Amalia never felt bad coming to Ambrose at such late hours, since he was a night owl anyway. "What's up kid?" He asked. "Do you think I'm a bad person? For not caring about leaving my mortal life behind as much as Sabrina does?" "Absolutely not. What I think, is that Sabrina is scared to leave it all behind. She's happy where she is right now, and you aren't. You don't do as much as Sabrina does, which makes it easier for you.

"They always invite you out, and most of the time you say no, and you go work on spells. Don't feel bad for knowing what you want, cause when you feel bad, is when you start letting go of yourself."

Amalia smiled lightly. "Ugh, what am I gonna do without you?" She groaned, and Ambrose chuckled. "You know where to find me." Going back to her room, Amalia read until she fell asleep.

In the morning, Amalia decided to dress more badass for the day. She did her makeup, and added eyeliner for the first time in forever. She wore ripped up jeans, a black shirt and chunky black boots, and her black leather jacket.

When she got downstairs, Ambrose went wide eyed, as well as Hilda. "You look hot, cuz" said Ambrose. "Good morning darling" said aunt Hilda, as there was a knock on the door. She ran to go get it, and came back with Harvey. "Hi guys" he smiled. "Hey Harvey" Amalia smiled back. Amalia started eating, and a few moments later, Sabrina came down- very shocked to see her boyfriend.

Ambrose was looking at Harvey's sketches, "they're wicked good, mate" he told him. "Thanks, yeah I'm pretty into comics and graphic novels." "Me too. Alan Moore, Neil Gaiman, Grant Morrison" said Ambrose. "You came by to talk comics?" Sabrina asked. "No, I wanted to surprise you" Harvey smiled.

"And isn't it the loveliest surprise" said Zelda, who came out of nowhere, stirring her tea. "Uh, also to ask your aunts, I uh, I know you can't do anything on your actual birthday because you have plans." "She does. Set in stone" Zelda chimed in, making Amalia roll her eyes.

"So, I came by to see if we could celebrate the next day. Both of you, on Saturday. Go bowling, maybe. You me, Amalia, Susie and Roz. Your aunts can come, if they want" Harvey said. "The day after my birthday?" Sabrina asked. "Would that even be possible?" Asked Amalia. "I think it's a marvellous idea" said Hilda.

"I do too, but why don't we play it by ear, hmm?" Said Zelda, once again getting on everyone's nerves before she left. The three walked to school, and Sabrina questioned Harvey about his visit nearly the whole way there.

As soon as the three got to school, Roz was telling them how Susie got in a fight with people who ripped down their WICCA posters at school. "The football players? The same ones as before?" Amalia asked. "You got into a fight with football players? How many?" Asked Harvey. "Four of them!" Susie said, still walking away. "That's it, we're going to the police, we are pressing charges. Susie, this is physical assault."

"Yeah, but I started the fight" Susie yelled. "Susie, I swear to you, this will never happen again, but you have to tell me this time" said Sabrina. "What are their names?"

After getting the names, Sabrina immediately went to a teacher about it, Roz stayed to comfort Susie, Harvey went to class, and Amalia decided to play a game.

She decided to disturb them in class, by making them think bugs were crawling all over them, making everyone else laugh. Similar to what they'd done to principal Hawthorne, but not as extreme. She stopped once she heard footsteps coming, and ran to class.

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After school, Amalia and Sabrina had summoned the weird sisters. Sabrina had a plan to deal with the football players, and needed help. "My aunt Hilda's taken care of your curse with a reversing spell, but we still might be able to strike a deal." Said Sabrina.

"There are four mortal boys who need to be taught a lesson" said Amalia, "help us teach them, and I'll stay right where I am, at Baxter high" said Sabrina, making Amalia furrow her eyebrows. She noticed her cross her fingers behind her back, but was still curious.

"Are they handsome at least?" The one in front, Prudence, asked. "It's always more fun when they're handsome" added Dorcas. "We'll back you up half breed, but they're you're enemies. You'll have to do most of the work."

Sabrina smiled, and the sisters left. "So, what was that about?" Amalia asked. "What?" "You being all 'I'll stay at Baxter high'" Amalia imitated. "Well, when I called upon my familiar, they showed up, cursed me, and told me to stay away from the academy" Sabrina shrugged. "Why didn't they for me? And calling you half-breed? We're literally twins, why are they only targeting you?"

"I don't know. Maybe cause I'm not as good of a witch as you? I really don't know" Sabrina sighed. "That's not true, you're extremely smart" said Amalia. The girls went home, and got ready for their trick on the football boys. Amalia wasn't taking part in the actual event, but she was more than happy to help in the planning. She hated the football boys, almost always has. They were nasty to almost everyone and never faced any repercussions for it - and that was about to change.

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