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Monday came around faster than it felt like it should, and it was Amalia's first day at the academy; nervous was the least effective word to describe how she was feeling. But she showed up with confidence.

She wore an old Elton John tee, high waist brown trousers, and her suede coat with wool inside; and of course her favourite chunky heels. People turned their heads as she walked through the building, and she heard them whispering about her hair.

Being insecure about the big birthmark on her forehead her whole life, she tried her best to ignore it. But then, she heard them whispering about Sabrina, and that was much easier to ignore.

Father Blackwood gave her her schedule, and walked her to her first class - spiritualism. She was a bit behind than the rest of the class, seeing as she started two months later than she was supposed to, but she caught on quick, even answered a few questions correctly.

After spiritualism, she had demonology. She was one of the first few in there, and she picked a spot in the middle, near the wall, and fiddled with her necklace. Someone sat beside her, and immediately introduced himself. "Hey, you must be Amalia" he said. "Uh yeah, and you are?" She asked. "Nick. Nick Scratch" he smiled, holding his hand out to shake hers.

"Word on the street is that your sister refused the Dark Lord, is that true?" He asked. "Yep" was all she said. "Not much of a talker?" "I am, but one: I don't know you. And two, I don't want to talk about my sister and her stupid decisions" Amalia shrugged. "Alright, that's fair. I like your outfit" he told her. "Thank you."

After a long class of taking notes, it was lunch, and Nick had followed her and sat with her. "So, who's Elton John? I assume he's mortal" he asked. "Yeah, old singer from the seventies" "ooh, very vintage of you." "He made good music" she shrugged, biting her apple. "You should show me one day" he said, and she smiled. "One day."

"Nicholas Scratch, flirting with the new girl already?" It was Prudence, backed up by her two sisters. "You don't want to be with him, he's a manwhore" said Prudence. "And you're a bitch" Nick fired back, Amalia just sat there looking between the two. "Anyways, meet me in the dorms later, I'd love to get to know you, Amalia" Prudence smiled before leaving.

"Well that was.. nice" Amalia said after the girls left. "Just a warning, those girls can get really nasty. And I mean really, really nasty" he told her. "I know how to handle myself."

The two talked the rest of lunch, getting to know each other a bit. It was a fun, lighthearted conversation, and neither of them wanted it to end. "After classes, meet me down in the foyer and show me this Elton guy." He said. "I guess I can do that" Amalia shrugged. And that she did.

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Amalia had heard about Sabrinas court trial about refusing her baptism, and she didn't want anything to do with it. She didn't want to know anything, and she didn't care. Aunt Hilda got excommunicated, which bummed her out, and she couldn't help but blame her sister. Maybe Hilda did do something on her own, but she doubted it. Aunt Hilda wasn't a rule breaker.

She laid in bed, forgetting all about her plans with Nick, getting distracted with journaling. She vented her problems all over the page, and slammed it shut. She heard people talking about Sabrina, and she left to go find Nick, but sure enough, Sabrina was there. She was talking to the little ghost boy who's name slipped Amalia's mind, he led her to Father Blackwood's office.

Continuing to ignore her, pretending she didn't see her sister, Amalia found Nick reading a book and waiting. "Hey, sorry, I lost track of time" Amalia apologized. "No worries, I figured everyone was asking you about your sister" he shrugged.

"So, ready to be amazed by Elton John?" Amalia asked, Nick smiling. "Never felt more ready".

They shared her headphones, first listening to Bennie and the Jets, dancing in their seats. They spent most of their evening listening to his entire discography, Amalia nor Nick wanting to stop.

She closed it off with Tiny Dancer, which seemed to be Nicks favourite.

"I love this guy" Nick said as he walked her to her room. "He's really good, one of my favourites ever" Amalia told him. "I can see why. He still alive?" "Yep, and still a diva" Amalia giggled. "I'll see you tomorrow. I was thinking we could do lunch together again?" Nick asked.

"Sure" Amalia smiled. "Goodnight" "goodnight Amalia".

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is anyone else obsessed with Bridgerton?? I love me some 1800s gossip girl

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2021 ⏰

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