ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙

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Elsa's Point of View

I ride across the fjord with the water nokk. My platinum hair blowing in the salty breeze as I cross the water. We were headed to the kingdom in which I grew up.

It wasn't much of a childhood after I accidentally struck my younger sister, Anna, with my magic in the head when we were very young.

My parent's separated me from her, I was forced to shut her out. I hated shutting her out. It was for her safety, for everyone's safety. Years later my parents got lost at sea searching for the origin and cause of my powers. One summer, I was made Queen of Arendelle. There was a huge celebration for it, with all of my subjects and leaders from other lands. Anna "fell in love" with a man she had just met that day. She asked me to bless their marriage. I of course told her no. Almost instantly, she got upset with me and took my glove. I didn't mean to show my powers, but with my hand uncovered, I lost control. I couldn't conceal it. I let it show. I ran away to protect everyone, but all I did was hurt everyone. Anna tried to bring me back home, but I lost control again and struck her once more. This time in the heart. After she left me be, guards from my kingdom and others rushed into my icy castle. They tried to kill me, but thankfully I was saved. Unfortunately, I was jailed and sentenced to death. As I heard the news, I froze off my hand coverings and ran across the frozen fjord, which i currently ride on. As Hans, Anna's "true love" pulled a sword on me. I gave up at that point. I lost everything, or so I thought. Anna jumped in between the blade and I, which saved me but froze her. I clung onto all that I had left and sobbed into my now frozen sister's shoulder. As I cried, I suddenly felt the cold, hard icy figure thaw back to the feeling of warm cloths. Anna was saved and we now new how to fix everything, with true love. Love will thaw.

We soon lived with our kingdom's gates opened wide. I had a special birthday planned for Anna, to try to make up for all the ones I miss in the past. I some how manged to get sick, but Anna enjoyed her birthday with her boyfriend Kristoff, and our friends Olaf and Sven.

Before we knew it, it was the holiday season. We planned a huge feast for our kingdom to enjoy so we come celebrate it all as one, but our subjects had other plans. They all had their own traditions. When Anna and I realized we didn't exactly have a tradition, Olaf went on a search across the kingdom to find us one. After some digging, we remembered that Olaf was our tradition.

A while after during the autumn, I began to hear a strange voice. It was calling to me from The Encanted Forest, the place I now consider home. I had only been told storied of the forest by my father and mother. Anna, Kristoff, Sven, Olaf and I followed it there. We broke through the mist surrounding the forest. We were met with magical environmental spirits, the Northuldra tribe, and Arendellian soldiers. They helped me find the voice calling out to me. I had to cross the Dark Sea to Ahtohallan, a frozen river. In the depths of the glacier, I found myself and the voice of my mother calling out to me. I found out the painful truth of my kingdoms history with the Northuldra in the deepest parts of the stone cold place. I sent my last bits of magic to Anna, so she could do the next right thing as I froze in the very place I stood. After Anna destroyed the dam, the water nokk and I raced back to Arendelle to stop the water from flooding the town and castle. After that last adventure, I resided in the Enchanted Forest, while my sister ruled over Arendelle as Queen. This formed a bridge between the lands.

After getting completely lost in my thoughts, I saw the shoreline grow closer on the horizon. As I reached the shore on the outskirts of the kingdom, I was met by Anna's excited smile, Kristoff, Sven, Olaf, and a few guards. I dismounted my stead, and ran up to them.

"Anna!" I ran up to hug my sister.

"Hello Elsa! I missed you so much." I felt her hug me back.

We pulled apart. I gave a small smile and wave to the others that joined her, whether familiar or not.

Anna grabbed my hand and pulled me up the castle steps and and ran me into my room that I stay in while visiting.

"Now, because you had quite the long journey here, I think you should get some rest okay" Anna insisted.

"Anna, I'm fine and I'm really not tired." I look at her with a jokingly pouting face.

"Well now it's an order from the Queen," She said with pride and a smile, "and I will send a guard to insure you get the rest." She stormed out of the room, and into the halls.

(Y/N) 's Point Of View

I stand guard with the other's in front of the castle. I watch as the suvillians roam the court yard. Even with the gates having been open for quite a while, everyone still couldn't believe it was real. I grew up with the gates closed, and now I have the privilege to gaurd and serve my kingdom.

I'm more there to watch over things, the kind of guard who stands all day and doesn't get much action. Our head guard doesn't trust me to fight or protect the kingdom only because I'm the first, and only, female guard in all the kingdoms. My father was a guard for King Agnarr and Queen Iduna before they began to shut everyone out.

"(Y/N)! Queen Anna has requested you presence. I don't know why you, but you." The head guard said as he approached me.

I look at him slightly confused, but follow him to the Queen.

"Ahhh (Y/N)! There you are. I know this isn't much of a job for today, but still." Queen Anna.

"Getting a duty straight form you, your majesty, is an honor and a dream." I bow to her.

She smiles at me. "Follow me!" She starts walking down a hall I rarely patrol or visit.

"Now," Anna began, "I need you to make sure my older sister get's rest." She gives me a shy look to see my reaction.

"Of course, your majesty." I dip my head to her, nervously.

She places her hand on my shoulder, "Thank you. You can just walk in there and if she asked tell her to take it up with her Queen." She giggles. "Thanks again, (Y/N)!" Anna smiles then walks away.

I shakily place my hand on the door knob. I have never met Elsa, and how can I not be nervous and shakey. I've only ever been told over her natural beauty, kindness and charms.

I slowly open the door to see a platinum blonde girl in a purple night gown standing at the windowsill in the room. The room large, with a queen size bed with pale blue draps over and around it with blue-gray sheets and bed coverings. There was a desk on the far end of the room and dressers and drawers on the nearer end.

"Your royal highness." I say then bow to her.

She turned to face me and our eyes meet.

Her eye are a beautiful shade of blue. Like two little pools. I examed her pale, yet so gorgeous face, and her platinum blonde hair that she wore down. I looked over her perfect figure. I soaked in it all while all she could do is look at me.

"Oh," She chuckles, "there is no need for bowing. That's for my sister, not me." She smiles at me.

God, did she have the most beautiful smile you ever saw.  I thought to myself.

Author's Note:
The next few chapters are most likely done or in the works, but I probably won't update unless enough people enjoy the story, but my friend also really wants me to keep going with this for her. Let me know in the comments what you thought of it so far and any ideas you have. It means a lot to me that you even got this far so thank you :)

Snowflakes In The Summer (elsa x female reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now