ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟞

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Y/N's Point Of View

We were almost at the village, and Elsa has been holding onto my hand the whole way leading me there, which I didn't mind, and forced myself to think it was her just being friendly. On our way there, I enjoyed the beauty in which was the Enchanted Forrest.

"You really get to live here? It's breathtaking." I say to Elsa, in awe, looking at the surrounding area.

"Yes, I do, and so do you now." Elsa stops pulling me along for a moment, to turn and look into my eyes.

"Wow! It's still so surreal to me." I smile, keeping the my (E/C) eye's locked with her icy blue ones.

"How did I get so lucky to live in such an already beautiful place, and now live here with an even more beautiful girl?" She says and looks away for a moment than back into my eyes. Smiling the whole way through.

I feel my face heat up at her words, "I-i..." I trail off, then try to push any hopes and wishes out of my head. Wishing only wounds the heart. "Do I..umm..get to meet this girl..?" I say assuming the girl she spoke of wasn't me. I don't want to seem oblivious, but don't want to come off as full of myself either. I was never the type to be straight forward or just jump into things.

It can't be me. I'm just her guard and her friend. She said I was her friend. She won't see me as anything but. It would not be appropriate either..

A frown took over Elsa's face. "(Y/N)," She tilted her head at me and some red began to tint her pale cheeks. "I was talking about you." She let out a chuckle, looks down, then back up to me.

"Oh." My eye's widen slightly. "Really?" I touch my face gently with my free hand in an attempt to hide the blush that began to cover it.

"Yes, I was." Elsa simply says with a nervous smile.

"Wow, you think I'm beautiful? Thats sooo embarrassing for you." I joke and began to laugh too hard at my own words, and bring my hand down from my face to holding my stomach from laughing too much.

Elsa rolled her eyes, and tried not to laugh at my stupidity. "Don't make me take it back." She joked.

"No, no that will not be necessary." I reply nervously. "The real question is, h-how did I get so lucky to guard and protect someone s-so beautiful?" I rub the back of my neck and look down, I feel my face heat up slightly.

"You're such a flirt sometimes," Elsa sighs, turns and continues to walk with me towards the village. We both kept quite for that walk.

As we reach just outside the village, a burst of bright magenta light sparks in between Elsa and I. The fire spreads creating a line seprating Elsa and I.

Elsa's Point Of View

A line of magenta fire separated me from (Y/N). The fire created a circle around her blocking her from any way out. It took me a second before I realized who this was, Bruni the fire spirit.

"Bruni! Stop!" I shout as I run to extinguish the flames with my ice powers. Each blast of cold magic was melted by the fire of the little lizard.

"Elsa!" I heard (Y/N) call out to me desperately as the space she had was decreasing as the fire spirit moved the flames closer and closer to her. She tired to use her sword to cut through the flames and push them away to get out. But her attempts were all in vain.

"(Y/N)!" I yelled to her, and heard her start coughing due to the smoke. Before I could even think, I saw a gap in the fire and jumped through it. I scooped (Y/N) up into my arms, holding her close to my chest, and supporting her back and legs with my arms.

She's much lighter than I thought she would be. Even with her armor and all. I thought to myself. She is much shorter than me after all.

Bruni's flames finally stopped blazing. The little salamander realized their mistake. They ran up to me, letting out a small squeak before scurrying away off into the forest.

"They must have thought you were an intruder, huh (Y/N)." I placed her back into her feet. "(Y/N)?" I felt her trembling against me. I rubbed her back gently, in hopes it would calm her down some. She finally stopped shaking, hugging into me before pulling away from my chest.

"Are you alright?" I ask, cupping her face with me hand, and stroking her cheek with me thumb.

She's probably traumatized. First, riding on a water horse over the water, now getting attacked by fire. This is not the way I should be trying to impress pretty girls. I beat myself up slightly in my head.  

"I'm okay." (Y/N) replies quickly.

I move my hand back to my side, smiling knowing she's alright.

She then sighs. "I'm okay." She looks down and giggles a little bit. "Did you just jump into fire for me?" She smiles, and slowly looks up to me. Her lips now in a smirk.

I began to blush as she called me out. "I....Yes I did." I say proudly. "Would you rather me let you burn up?" I say sternly, but give her a joking glance.

"No," She chuckles. "Thank you for saving me, Elsa." She gives me a genuine smile. I notice a small tint of red cover her cheeks.

"Now, lets get to the village. We're almost there." I say, grabbing her hand once again, and pulling her gently through the forest towards the village we will now be calling home.

Author's Note:
I hope you guys liked this chapter! If find the little Wicked and She-Ra references in the story let me know!
Also thank you so so so much for over 300 reads!! It means a lot to me:)

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