ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟟

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(Y/N)'s Point Of View

Elsa and I finally arrived at the Northuldra village. Not long after our arrival, the people of the village came to see and greet us, but mainly Elsa.

As she greeted her people, I stood guard a little bit away from her.

I watched as more and more people gathered near by. Some gave me unsure glances until meeting Elsa. Before I knew it, I quckily got lost in my head.

I thought more and more about when she had saved me from the fire spirit just a while ago. It's my job to be saving her, not her saving me. Guilt and regret set in me.

I should have held my own against, or tried to get away from it, so she wasn't in danger. I put her in danger. I can't even do my job right...

"Hello?" A brown haired girl walked towards me and waved her hand in front of my face. Her actions pulled me from my thoughts.

"Oh pardon my manners." I dip my head to her. "Hello." I say awkwardly.

"I'm Honeymaren, and you are?" She pushes her hand out to me.

"(Y/N)," I shake her hand and smile.

"So, what brings you to the enchanted forest?" She says, bringing her hand back to her side.

"I was assigned to Elsa as her personal guard. I'm here to protect her.." I trail off looking away, pushing away the thought of her saving me from my mind once more.

"Really? Elsa alway told me she never wanted a guard?" Honeymaren raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, she doesn't, but Queen Anna insisted that she had a guard with her." I glance over at Elsa, who was smiling and talking with the people of the village. I don't even realize the smile that came across my face as i looked at her, then look back to Honeymaren.

"Well, my friend," She gestures to a brown haired man with some reindeer not too far from where we stood, and he began to walk towards Elsa. "And I saw Elsa save you in the forest from the fire spirit. We thought you two were perhaps, well you know, together." She shrugged her shoulders and looked at me with a hint of jealousy in her brown eyes.

"I beg your pardon, I don't think I understand." I blink at her, playing dumb, of course. Then again, I can never be too sure of what she had meant.

"Oh never mind that, but welcome to the enchanted forest!" She smiled at me, and let's out a sigh. "It's getting sort of late, I'm gonna get ready for the night. Come find me if you need anything." Honeymaren gave a small wave as she walked off.

I stood a bit away from Elsa still. I didn't want to interrupt her conversations with her people.

Elsa's Point Of View

I stood before my people as they greeted me. Ryder and one of the baby reindeer walked up to where I stood.

"Welcome back, Elsa!" Ryder smiles.

"Hello Ryder, how are you?" I smile and reply.

"I'm good." He gently pulls a young calf forward. "Even better than before. While you were gone, Hallie had her calve." He points to the reindeer he mentioned who stood near the edge of the clearing. "Meet Runa." He strokes the young reindeer's head.

I slowly reach my hand out and pet him. "Hello little guy."

Runa moves his head to gently lick my hand. This caused the both of us to laugh at the young reindeer's curious and cute actions.

"So, Elsa," Ryder pats Runa's side. "Who's the girl you brought back with you?" He hesitates. "You don't have to tell me, but is she your girlfriend by chance?"

"What?" I feel myself begin to blush. "No, she's just my personal guard." I rush my words out and look at Ryder in shock of his assumption.

As much as a wish, she will only ever be my guard..

"It's just, Honeymaren and I saw you walking through the forest holding hands, then you saved her from the fire spirit." He trailed off.

"Just because I lead her through the forest, and was looking out for her doesn't mean a thing." I simply say in an emotionless, yet stern voice.

"I guess," Ryder glances over my shoulder, to (Y/N) I'm guessing, as she was a bit behind me. "It's getting late and I need to get this little guy to bed." He pats Runa on the head and chuckles. "Goodnight, Elsa." He smiles and leads Runa to his mother and disappeared from the clearing and into the forest towards the stables.

I looked around the clearing of the village. Everyone had retreated into their tents and homes. All who were left was (Y/N) and I. We hadn't said a word since we officially arrived at the village hours before.

I walked over to (Y/N), who was staring off and I smiled. "Ready to see you're new home, (Y/N)?" I asked.

It seemed like my words brought her back to reality.

I wonder what's on her mind to make her stare off like that. I thought.

"Yes, I'm ready." She finally replies.

"Good, but are you alright?" I give her a worried look.

She nods, and gives a small, very obviously forced smile.

"No, what's bothering you? I said before you can trust me." I look to her hopeful. I want (Y/N) to trust me, to feel comfortable.

"I know, Elsa, it's just.." She trails off. "I'm...a little home sick. Yeah, that's all it is." She looks down at the ground and back up to me.

It was obvious she was lying to me, but I just wanted to get her home.

"That wasn't very convincing, but we'll discuss it when we get home and situated." I grab her hand and pull her along with me. "Come one!" I laugh as I pull her along.

When we finally reached my tent. It was a large tent made of my magic ice. It was much larger than the other tents, but Yelena, the leader of the Northuldra insisted I had it this way.

"Whoa. You made that? You live in that?" She looked at it in pure awe and excitement.

"Yes I did, and you'll be living in it too."

Author's Note:

Whoa!! Over 600 reads!! Thank you so much it means so much to me that people are actually reading this. Also thank you all for the sweet comments on this it means the world and i get so excited when the notification for them pop up. I hope you liked this chapter, and i'll be getting to work on the next!! If you have any ideas let me know my lovelies:)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2020 ⏰

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