ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟜

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Author's Note:

First of all, thank you so much for just over 100 reads !! It means a lot to me what people are actually looking at my story. Second of all, I was thinking of making a separate Elsa x fem Reader one shots book. If you want me to make one comment a few requests for it because it will most definitely be an open request type of book. Anywho, enjoy the new chapter and let me know what you think my lovelies.

This chapter ended up being a longer one, I hope you don't mind that : )


(Y/N)'s Point of View

It's been a few weeks sense I became Elsa's personal gaurd. We have yet to part from Arendelle. I didn't mind us sticking around. I got to see the looks on all the other gaurds faces as I got to walk around the castle and village with the Queen and Elsa. Elsa is very sweet to me when were together. She treats me more like a close friend than her guard, though I didn't mind that either. I guess I just wasn't expecting her to be so nice to me. Although her sweetness and charm, I can sense she has been withholding something from me. 

After a while of getting to know her better, I had started to develop feelings for her. They were small at the moment, but I just know they will grow. As tempted as I am to tell Elsa and to just get it off my chest, I just decided to hide the feelings. Just as I do with all the other feelings I have, hold them back and bottle them up. No matter the circumstance. It's better that way.

I walk along side Elsa as we vist the village. Different people bowed down to her as we passed through. We were headed to the chocolatier to pick up some chocolates and cadies before we left for the Enchanted Forest.

"So," Elsa started as she gave small waves to the town folk as we passed. "Are you excited to see the forest?" She turns to look at me and smiles.

"Very." I simply say with a smile back at her.

"Good, I'm glad." She pauses and looks into my eyes for a few moments then breaks the eye contact. "Now, I'm going into the shop. Could you please stay out here while I get," her already bright smile widens as she thinks about it, "the chocolates?"

"Of course, Elsa." I nod as she walks into the quaint shop.

I stand a few paces from the door waiting for her to come out of the shop.

A few young women walk past me giggling and whispering to one another. I didn't think much of it, until one of them came walking towards me.

"Pardon me, but my friend and I think you are very pretty." She smiled at me while pointing to her friend behind her who was slowly making her way to us.

"Wow," I slightly blush. "That's very kind of you two to say." I touch my face with my hand.

The second women reached for my hand that was touching my face with her own, holding it smiling at me. "I bet you're really strong too." she giggled.

"I guess you could say that.." I trailed off and turned my head to look at the shop's door, in hopes Elsa was on her way out. To my dismay, she was not.

The first women brought her hand to my cheek and turned my face to hers. "Oh, worried about your proper princess?" She looked me in the eyes. I could read a hint of jealousy in her green eyes.

"Of course, I'm to guard her with my life. Queen's orders." I move my hand that the second women was still holding back to my side.

"Oh so she's your job, not your partner?" The second women moved back closer to me, attempting to grab my hand again but I pull it away.

Snowflakes In The Summer (elsa x female reader fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now