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"So... Zack was a literature student?"

I asked her as she took a sip of her coffee.

"Yeah, he's pretty crazy. I mean, I can hardly do one course and he's like going on and on!" I chuckled as she continued. "Never completed, though."


"He likes business but hates studying about it. He's actually pretty against the idea of teaching business. He says it's an art, a talent." She shrugged, enjoying her coffee. "But dad wants him to take a degree on it first. And he said he wanted to enjoy his college life, without caring for grades and stuff."

"And he likes literature." I added and she snorted.

"Hell no, he chose lit because he sucks in science."

"Why here? Why not some big city, big college?" I asked. If I had money like them, I'd be in a reputed university now.

"It's a long story." She mumbled with a giggle. "Dad's company is expanding their hold in different states and cities. They set one here a couple of months ago."

I nodded. Real estate. I've heard about it.

"He's here to make sure everything's alright. At least that's what he says to people."

That's not?

Apparently, Sasha doesn't need me asking questions to elaborate on anything. And I'm glad about that because I'd probably overthink and forbid myself from asking anything.

"But honestly, he did it because we were too spoiled. He said and I quote, 'You twigs don't even realise the kind of luck you have to be in this position. You have everything and you exploit it.'" She sighed, rolling her eyes. "Apparently, I shop too much and party too much, not realising the worth of money."


"And Zack?"

"Oh, he takes advantage of dad's reputation and friends. He's always in trouble, not even thinking twice about the consequences because he knows, dad will be there, to clean up his mess."

I smiled with a nod. I remember the times when I, too, could run back to dad with my problems.

It feels like a dream now. Too surreal.

"And the last thread of dad's patience broke when he got arrested."

Very graciously, I stifled a gasp.

"What for?" My words were slow and were just more than a whisper because I was calculating the possible crimes he could've done.

Nothing brutal, of course. He's such a sweet guy.

"Fighting on the street is a great way to have handcuffs on you." She shrugged. "Dad had to pull strings to get him and his friends out. But also, dad blames himself for Zack's tendency to fight."

And here I thought he was a calm person who avoided fights.

"You should've seen his face, all of their faces. Got beaten up like hell. I couldn't even say which one was Zack. All of them had swollen eyes and cheeks. So, dad said it's time he and his friends take a break from being stupid childish." She shook her head with a smile. "But as dad's secret keeper, I know the real reason and I'll only tell you if you won't tell him."

I nodded almost immediately. Not only am I invested in this story, but she's also more of my friend than Zack. So, obviously, I wasn't going to say this to him.

"The men they fought? They weren't nice people and they certainly weren't ready to be put down by cash. And dad just kept on worrying they'll retaliate. He was going to move here anyway, so he took us all with him."

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