Chapter 4

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"Do you even realize what you're doing to me right now?" His voice sounds off, though it's the same as usual. Metallic, distorted. That voice made you want to spread your legs out wide, and beg him to fuck you senseless. Though at the same time, he sent a violent chill down your spine. The red-eyed cyborg always was clever to find out something, not even giving a rat's ass if he was the last to find out.

You take this time to look at him dumbfounded. Where in the world was all of this even coming from? "I don't know what you're talking about." You said with a raised eyebrow. You really had no idea what he was on about, even though he probably wouldn't believe you.

"Bullshit. Considering how you sit across from me, giving me rather suggestive looks. How you would even drop your panties for me. Tell me that you have no idea of doing that." He then advanced towards you, causing you to back away a bit. You only let out a small squeak as you feel metallic artificial fingers crunched against the back of your head, forcing you to look deep in his crimson eyes.

"Well? Got any more proof that you don't know what I'm talking about?" He smirked a bit, his grip on your head tightening. You could only stare at him in silence. What the fuck is he even doing?

"I... No. I do not have any more proof." You finally admit it. "You fucking got me, asshole."

"Negative. I pretty much HAD you the entire time."

"Fuck you, no you didn't."

"Fuck me? Fuck you yourself." He smirked. "Also, I'm not the one whose had her legs spread out and was moaning my name. You devious slut." He growled a bit against your ear biting the edge of it causing you to bite your bottom lip. You accidentally bit your lip a bit too hard to where blood started rolling down, causing the cyborg to smirk at you. But before he could do anything else, a loud clearing of the throat sounded before you two quickly looked.

"Hey! You two done fucking or something?! The plane's about to leave for the next mission!" Gabriel shouted before you scurried to grab your stuff but not before Genji pulls your wrist back, intentionally causing you to hold onto him. Your free hand on the human part of his chest.

"When we get back, I'm going to fuck you so hard-"

"That you can't even walk."  He purred into your jaw before he took this opportunity to grab your shoulder and bite you on the side of your neck so hard that it left a bleeding mark before pulling you with him to where you two would board with the rest of the agents.

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