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"Nice". Chang Yan was showing such a kind nature but inside she was firing up. She knew she wouldn't be able to execute her plan if Yin Yu sits with He An here all day and why is He An sitting with her rather than talking to the various important people here?!
And on the other side, the lazy Yin Yu was having a mental battle herself.
'What to do? What to do? What to do? Should I go somewhere else and enjoy the drama with Chang Yan or should I just lazily sit over here? She wanted to enjoy herself but she was feeling too lazy to do anything. Damn! I even created a script of how I will make this drama proceed. Why my lazy a**?! Whyy?!!!! 。・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。'
Xu:{.... }
In the end... Yin Yu decided that yep! She was too lazy ( ̄‐ ̄)🏳
'Please continue your act Chang Yin sama. I am too lazy so I will just see what you do next.. If you are able to make me move from this spot, you are gone since I already have a script to this drama and if you can't make me move.. Oh well.. That's even better! You will just piss yourself off ( ̄∇ ̄)'
" Yin Yu.. Can we talk? "
'Woahhh.. You serious? She directly asked me straightforwardly. Nice move but also very rushed and unplanned. '
"Please excuse us He An". Chang Yan said softly
Yin Yu stood up and was about to go. She hesitated, looked back and her eyes came in contact with He An's eyes, who was silent the whole time. She opened her mouth to say something but shut it down and followed after Chang Yan.
She brought her in a crowded area near the drinks table and ordered two cups of wine for them.
" You are looking so pretty Yin Yu. Why do you dress up like this more often? "

"Thank you". Yin Yu said as she looked down and blushed a little..Okay Okay..Let us be honest..Pretended to blush a little 😂

"Here. Take a drink" Just when she took the drink from the waiter, something happened. Chang Yan got a call from behind. There was an average looking man calling out to her. Surprisingly, Chang Yan answered to his call. Nothing would have really been wrong with this scene if not for the fact that it.. Wasn't an ordinary call.. The man had called Chang Yan in a really intimate way and Chang Yan responded in the same manner back...
'Huh? Who is this additional topping in the story? There was no such male character entry in the scene right now'. But as she was thinking, her world views shattered a little bit.
"Yin Yu, I am sorry but can you please excuse me? I will talk to you later." Saying that she gave a genuine smile to her and went in the direction of the man. And yes! Her smile was GENUINE. This word is important!
And moreover, the wine glass she was supposed to give to Yin Yu was kept back on the table by Chang Yan herself..

First person POV

'What...? What just happened? Time to collect some information! '
I turned my head and saw a red dressed girl looking at the same direction as me. 'Yes! That's it! '
"Excuse me. Do you know that gentleman? He seemed very familiar and sister Chang Yan seemed so happy with him" Saying this I gave a pretty gentle smile myself so she understands I have no negative thoughts about it and am just curious.
The girl turned to me and the memories of the original host of the body soon popped up. This girl here was the president of the newspaper club which was known to be one of the most famous clubs in the university. She was very mature looking and gave the impression of a stern senior but yet she was quite popular. Her name was..Li Mei...

"He is Chang Yan's boyfriend, Kang Xi. Don't interfere much in other's business."

Before I could reply, she turned and walked away. Well it was not like I had the thought of replying anyway because right now, I had a bigger confusion.
'Huhh? Chang Yan has a boyfriend?! Kang Xi?! When..? (・・ ) ? Xu dear.. Explain.. '
Xu:{Host.. I don't know myself.. }
'Oh.. Really?'
Xu:{yes.. }
There is something really wrong here! How did she suddenly have a boyfriend? And what about her affection towards He An? And what about her wine glass plan?! '
With all the thoughts running about in my head I went and sat down back in the spot where I was seated before but this time.. He An wasn't there.
'Xu where is the second ml? '
Xu:{Host it seems like he got a call from his company}
'Oh! That's good. '
Xu:{No host. That isn't good.}
'Why? '
Xu:{Host I just found out that there was a hidden event in the story right now. He An would go to his company and decide to walk back home rather than in his car since the spot wasn't really far from his house. On his way back home, he would bump into the Fl who was being chased by some gangsters. He wouldn't fight for her or anything but he would just hold her by her collar and hide in a corner of a dark street so that they loose track of her. This might be just a little favour as a decent human being from He An's side but he would become a star in Leng Zia's eyes. In the future, when she meets him again in the university, this would give her a chance to initiate a conversation with him which will slowly turn into one sided love from He Ann's side and this will also give the FL a chance and excuse to always rely on the second ML whenever something goes wrong.. }
'XU!! You are telling this to me now?!!How can you skip such an important development to the plot?! This is illogical. Hurry! Tell me, did they meet yet.
Xu:{Of course not host. He An just went to his company. It will take some time to happen. }
I took out my phone and directly gave him a call. "He An gege.. ". That's right! Use a soft nice tone as always~~" Can you-.. ". I paused for a second. From the other side of the phone, a rough voice came " Yes? "
"Can you drop me home..?.. Actually! It's okay if you don't!! I will ask my father to come. Sorry for disturbing you!" I got "nervous" and said everything in a hurried tone. Just as I was about to hang up the call, the rough voice gave a vague response.
"I will come to pick you up in 30 minutes. "

As I hanged up, I gave a relieved sigh.. 'Phew.. That was close' ( ' ▽ ' )

The next thirty minutes went by in a flash. Finally He An came. It was normal medium range priced car as he never had the intention to let anyone know how much money he had. Even his own mother didn't know his exact net worth. Not that he wanted to keep it hidden from his mother and from Yin Yu. It was just that they didn't think he was that powerful in wealth and status. Yin Guo and Yin Mei however knew his power and they were genuinely happy for him. Although their company was a good running company but it was nowhere near even to Leng Chenglei's company, forget about He An's company.

But now was the difficult part..

He An in the driver seat. He didn't bring his chauffeur along and was driving by himself. And according to all the courtesies, I sat right beside him in the front.

Xu's private lesson pov

{Let's view this situation from different views\( ̄▽ ̄)/
One boy and one girl alone in a car in a quiet dark street. So romantic~~Not!! ヽ('д';)/

This scene might seem romantic to outsiders but! The fact that scene consists of 2 abnormal people has to be studied and analyzed properly. At first glance, one might think that the "cute " girl is embarrassed and shy right now. But the truth is- She has been thinking of all the yaoi books and comics she will binge read when she gets home! (♥ω♥*)
And on the other hand is a far and distant looking man who looks calm but is actually racking his entire brain to start a conversation! If seen carefully, one will notice his hands are sweating when the air conditioning is on(๑°ㅁ°๑)‼

In short... I only see hopelessness in front of my eyes ಥ‿ಥ

Thank you. Hope to see you next time again in Xu's private lessons! UwU

"Why we're you avoiding me these past few days? " Finally he asked what he wanted to know.
"I didn't.. "
"Do not lie to me... " His voice was stern but somehow still had a unique kind softness to them.
"I was embarrassed since you saw me confessing, getting rejected and crying that day.. " I said as I looked downwards and made a pitiful face.
"Only because of that?" His tone held a little bit astonishment to it.
"Yes.. "
Then came the sound a light chuckle from the man. He seemed genuinely.. finding the reason funny.
"Don't laugh.. "
My cheeks turn red and I bit my lips.

"Okay okay. Sorry". He was smiling fully with his shiny white teeth out and his face didn't seem to contain the least regret.

[Author sama's important side note: The mention of shiny white teeth might be weird right? Then let me explain why it has been used? (o˘◡˘o)

It has been used to imply our current Yin Yu's intense urge to break He An's teeth!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen! For the first time in history! I present before you a Toothless Second Male Lead! *immense claps*🥳🥳🥳🥳]

The rest of the ride was very pleasant. When the car reached home, I got a nod from He An, opened the door and went out. Just as I was about to say goodbye..
" Don't avoid me.." It was a slight whisper in the silent streets. His voice was deep and mature yet when it whispered these words it had a bit of childishness mixed deep within. It was cute...
'Wait. What am I thinking.. (---- _----)
I should just reply, do my act and go to bed with my lovely stock~~(≧∇≦)/

I looked at him in the eye with my own teary eyes gave a small but bright and "genuine" smile.


With that, He An felt a big weight off his chest and let himself be enchanted in those starry eyes~~~~


Author sama: Umm.. Did you like it? 😅🥺

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