Sweet Reunion Part 1

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Seon-jae blearily checked the time again - 4.02am.  God - how is the night so long? The mid-summer room was not fully dark and his eyes could make out the outlines of his small flat easily - the low sofa with cushions and blankets arranged neatly; the small galley kitchen with cleared surfaces in front of a small window; the piano and desk area - tidy too.  He had spent a half-day yesterday scrubbing and wiping and arranging the flat so that now it was cleaner by far than it had been, either when he had moved in 8 months ago or at any stage since.  

Sighing, Seon-jae slipped from the bed and stepped under the shower.  He hadn't slept and wouldn't now.  He was so keyed-up that his stomach was knotted and tight with nerves.  He turned his face into the hot water and held it there for as long as he could.  He then turned his back into the water and let it hit him with strong pin-pricks of pressure.  The massage helped his stiff neck and he relaxed just a little.  Mmm - that helps.  He let the water hit the top of his head which woke him even more and as he stood under the pounding jets, his mind slipped into its usual comfort spot - her; his beautiful, adored love; locked away from him for nearly a year; her face so lovely even under the strip-lights of the prison visiting area; her eyes even then full of intelligence and warmth; Hye-won; his darling Hye-wona.  

Keeping his eyes closed, Seon-jae dreamily brought that beautiful face to his mind.  Imagine - by the end of today, she could be standing naked here in this shower right in front of me.  Oh could it ever happen?  Could I really cup her sweet face in my hands and lean down to kiss those sexy lips under the water?  Pull her in to me to feel her strong, slim body press all along me?  Enclose her with my arms and even nudge her behind to push her even closer?  I can imagine her giving me a sexy half-smile at that and reaching behind to rub my back - maybe even lower than that... Seon-jae could feel the night's worries turning to sexual anticipation, his skin prickling and his breath getting heavier and deliberately opened his eyes to dispel the dream.  

No, not today - definitely not today.  He shook his head to convince himself that this fantasy was over for now and got on with the business of washing his hair and body.  Even with his will-power called into action and the apple-scented shower wash strong in the air, he could almost feel that sexy body all along his front.  She was so far away and yet just a few seconds imagining her with him made him ache for her touch.  Could today really be the end of their heart-break: an end to the constant feeling of loss, the ache in the pit of his stomach, the nights tossing and turning, stroking himself while moaning her name over and over, the wanting to share the excitement of his new life in a new country with her and the worry of her in that awful place?  The excitement of a letter, the sadness at her words of forced humour, the loneliness of reading it and the immediate re-reading on finishing?  

So many times he had imagined this day and now that it was here, he was sick with nerves.  He had received a typically short text around 9pm -   

at the airport - boarding soon - no problems so far

 - no emojis of course, no heart-eyes or smiling faces - that wouldn't be her, even on a good day.  He imagined that she was desperate to get out of the airport terminal in case of reporters and was extremely anxious not to attract any negative attention.  Though her beauty was not the kind to be ignored.  She had already told him in her last letter that she planned to wear a mask for anonymity.  Maybe that would help.  I'd still spot her anywhere, that tall straight figure and long-necked poise.  He had checked so many times but there had been nothing since from that new number.  He re-counted the hours in his mind and again worked out that he should leave the flat by 6am to get to the airport by 8am.  Her flight wouldn't be landing until 11.15am but he couldn't bear not to be there as soon as possible today.  Imagining her in the flesh walking out of the customs gate towards him - how she would look, how he would feel - made him so nervous and anxious, but so excited, that he had to again cut the fantasy dead.  

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now