Sweet Reunion Part 4

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By the time the taxi dropped them on the small side street of Seon-jae's accommodation, the lunchtime rush was well under way and the sun high in the sky.  Paying the taxi driver and lifting Hye-won's small, black, overnight bag from the open car-boot, Seon-jae suddenly felt a change in his mood.  The taxi journey had been dream-like: he had felt like he was in a trance and Hye-won had looked as if she too was day-dreaming easily.  Now, the taxi leaving, they both stood apart facing each other, their eyes not quite meeting.  Hye-won looked a little tired now that he saw her in the full sunshine and her black clothes seemed slightly too large for her.  She had definitely lost weight in the last months.  It pained him to see it.  She must have suffered so much.  

Seeing Hye-won's fatigued expression spurred Seon-jae out of his nervous stasis.  He reached for her hand - now that he noticed it, even her hand felt thinner than before - and raised her palm to his mouth, sinking his lips deeply into the centre.  'Come inside,' he murmured quietly and without waiting for an answer, began to walk Hye-won towards the heavy, front door of the building.   

He held both her hand and the light bag in his left hand while turning the key with his right and then walked Hye-won firmly up the broad stairs with a quite ornate curving metal hand rail under a wooden bannister.  At the top, he directed them both to the left, down a wide corridor and stopped before a heavy wooden door with a brass plaque reading - eins, one.  A gentle half-smile to Hye-won and he opened the door easily and led her inside, closing the door firmly behind them.

The first impression that Hye-won got was of light and space - not at all how she had imagined the rooms to look.  A modern look with white walls and light-coloured furniture reflecting the summer sunshine gave a more Swedish than German look.  A large-size bed with blue coverings took up much of the raised plinth on the far-right of the room and kitchen presses and a small dining table and chairs took up the far-left, with a small window behind.  A door to the bathroom was slightly ajar and Hye-won could see more light-coloured walls and fittings.

'You must be so tired.  How about a shower first?  And then some food?  Hmm?'  

Still holding her hand, Seon-jae spoke quietly and gently.  Hye-won was glad of it.  

'Yes, I am a bit tired. A shower sounds lovely.  Would you mind?'  

'Why would I mind?  Come - let me show you.'  

Seon-jae led Hye-won through the bathroom door.  Inside, he ran the shower, testing the water temperature, closing the shower door while he spoke. 

'There are new towels and a new dressing gown and slippers here and a new toothbrush there.'

He indicated the first shelf over the basin with stacked lotions in packages. 

'These are the ones you mentioned in your letters.  They were delivered a few weeks ago.  If they are not right, we can get others.  Will you be alright?'  

Seon-jae looked relaxed now, happy to be showing Hye-won all these new items.  He had obviously put so much thought into this moment, she couldn't help but smile gratefully.  

'You are so good - gomawo - thank you - I will be fine.'  

'Just take as long as you need, ok?  I will sort out the lunch food.  You enjoy this time.'  

With a gentle squeeze, he finally let go of her hand and left the bathroom with a quiet click of the door.

What a sweet boy he is.  Look at all this.  Hye-won spent a few minutes just standing in the centre of the room, listening to the sound of the shower.  My first private shower - in how long?  Is this even real?  Quickly stripping the few items from herself and draping them on the towel rail, Hye-won, having again tested the water temperature, stepped into the shower booth and closed the door.  

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now