New Music Part 41

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The Rhythm Room was a small venue, which could seat about 100 in a low-ceilinged, all-black room with a long, high bar at the back and the artists' performing space at the front.  The venue was already half-full when the couple met with Ciara who was already seated at a large table with a small group of friends.  In-seo and Dieter arrived just as introductions were happening and soon everyone was chatting, In-seo and Dieter telling tales of never-ending nights in the very same spot, almost 20 years before. Ciara and Dieter were soon deep in conversation about people and places in the European music world that they were both familiar with, which gave In-seo, Hye-won and Seon-jae a chance for a proper catch-up.

They chatted about the university and the performance programme that Seon-jae was undertaking - what he particularly enjoyed and, of course, what he didn't much care for, which lecturers and tutors he liked and those whose approach left him cold.  In-seo had the inside track on the politics and machinations of the department but he only shared what was already commonly known.  Hye-won knew of old that one of In-seo's best traits was his deep-rooted loyalty and discretion.  It was one of the reasons why, after the attack had devastated her, physically and psychologically, she and he had become so close.  She had always trusted that whatever she shared would always stay between them and at that time, he was often the only other person that she let see even a modicum of the despair that she felt.

Eventually, talk turned to the pieces that Seon-jae was focusing on with In-seo wanting to hear all about what was inspiring him the most.  Seon-jae thought for a moment, then raised his head with a boyish smirk and put his arm around Hye-won's shoulders, where she sat beside him: 'love.'

All 3 laughed, Hye-won shaking her head slowly at In-seo, as if to say - he's a lost cause.  In-seo took it all in good spirits and even seemed touched.  Hye-won turned serious then: 'In-seo, I know you of all people hate a fuss but really, I...we,' she included Seon-jae with a shy smile, 'we have to say how much your support and help has meant to us - not just...before, but here too -  the university, the flat, the piano, even the balcony.'

A quiet murmur, more to herself than the others, 'we love that balcony so much,' before going on: 'but really, In-seo, I couldn't have imagined that our life could be so...well, like this and I can't imagine that I deserve it but I...we are so grateful.'

Hye-won fell silent, full up of the feelings tearing through her and Seon-jae squeezed her hand.  Contrary to expectation, In-seo didn't hush Hye-won or refuse her thoughts: 'ok, I'm just going to say this once and then we will leave it alone.  Seon-jae, you won your place and scholarship here, fair and square.  All I did was pass on the recording of your debut concert - the Paganini Rhapsody - to a few friends on the faculty.  Your talent was what made them fall for you, not stories that I told them or any untoward influence I exerted.  And I have heard nothing but glowing reports of you all year, and not just on your obvious talent - though you should have seen the number of texts and emails I got about the Christmas performance - but your work-ethic and attention to detail are always praised too - so you should be very proud of yourself.'

Seon-jae looked both pleased and uncomfortable at such heartfelt praise from Professor Jo and Hye-won returned the reassuring squeeze to him, their gaze meeting for a moment.

'As for the flat - it's the one usually allocated to the music scholarship student so, there are no strings being pulled there either.  I am delighted that you are enjoying the flat, the piano, and yes, even the balcony.  I remember that it is so spacious compared to what a student would live in back home but that's just the benefit of European living, I suppose.'

He leaned forward to the couple: 'now, last bit of the speech coming up and this, my friend, is going to hurt but you are just going to have to bear with it for a few moments, ok?'

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now