New Life Part 27

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'Such a clear feeling in the evening air here,' Hye-won remarked: 'I just love it. I think it must be why people like to live close to mountain regions.'

'Hmm... though I've always thought that it must be best of all to live near the sea,' Seon-jae mused, as he strolled easily beside her, his head bent to catch sight of her new-clad feet: 'those sandals are very cute on those pretty feet, love. And you know what I think of the dress,' again his hands roved along her narrow-hipped frame: 'what else did you buy? Anything I'd like, especially?' he archly suggested and when she seemed stumped for words to reply, he guessed that he had hit near the mark and he was really interested then.

'Omo - gosh - now I'm intrigued. Maybe this walk was a bad idea, after all?' he joked, his arm tightening around Hye-won's waist, as he swung his body towards hers.

'Patience, patience...' was her response which made him groan and slip his hand lower along the light, summer fabric of the dress, while he spoke low in her ear: 'you are such a tease, my dear. I will definitely make you pay for that properly later,' and his wicked grin and intense look caused her pulse to jump and her breath to hitch. She didn't respond, though a secret smile played on her lips, that caused the pace of Seon-jae's heart to gallop.


Seon-jae brought them to an open park area, the side on which they entered being heavily forested and delightfully cool

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Seon-jae brought them to an open park area, the side on which they entered being heavily forested and delightfully cool. Dappled evening light pierced through the canopy of trees in shafts of warm colours and it cast a magical hue to their meanderings. Arms entwined, they chatted quietly, Seon-jae telling her about tricky parts of some of the pieces that he was working on and Hye-won telling him about her morning with Ciara and her shopping trip.

'Everything go ok with payment?' Seon-jae probed quietly and Hye-won glanced up quickly, as though he had read her mind.

'Oh, yes, no problem,' she deflected, but not before he caught an under-current of anxiety from her, that made him stop walking and turn to her.

'What is it, love?' and as she made to continue walking, he took hold of her wrist and held it gently.

'Tell me.'

She felt the same strength in him then, that she had felt from the moment she first met him, especially during the court case, which belied his young years and relative inexperience. Maybe it came from his undivided sense of duty towards his mum or maybe just the precariousness of their situation as he was growing up but it was a strength that Seon-jae wore lightly and she had always felt that it was the core of him - implacable, unbreakable.  He seemed to have a clear sense of who he was and what he wanted, which didn't sway with others' opinions or expectations of him.  Maybe that's how he had the courage to tell me his feelings. God knows, I'd never have spoken mine otherwise.  Finances and money issues were a clear case in point. He was the only person she had met who always spoke directly on such matters. She realised that this was one of those times where no amount of deflection was going to distract him and also, that she didn't really wish to do it. She was about to answer him when he told her: 'hold that thought,' and led her down the end of the forest trail to where it joined a more formal garden area. He led her to a semi-circle of metal seats with high backs giving on to a bank of flower borders. The sense of enclosure and privacy mixed with the summer scents and colours made it an ideal spot for a comfortable tête-à-tête - heart-to-heart.  So thoughtful again - this boy.

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now