Chapter 2 - Home

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I returned home last night at about midnight. And of course my mum wanted to know all the details about who this boy was. I told her a few things, I mean it wasn't even official me and Matty were in a relationship.

I woke up with a text from Matty

Wanna go out for lunch today? X

I replied yes, since I didn't have plans at all.

As I walked down the stairs my mum came running through.

"so where are you off to?" she asked.

"to meet Matty... why"

"you totally forgot, we were meant to go and view apartments for you today!"

I sighed, I had totally forgot that. But now I have plans of my own.

"I'm sure Matty will come along, it'll be fine" I said, putting on my shoes.

"ok, have fun!" she smiled.

I left the house and Matty's car was waiting at the bottom of my drive.

"good morning love" he kissed my cheek.

"morning, where are we going?" I said, pulling my seatbelt on.

"I was thinking fish and chips? I mean the beach is better when there's snow on it" he laughed.

I had totally not realized, that outside was think with snow. And I totally agree that the beach is better covered in it.

"cool yeah... so is this like... a date?" I asked.

"ok... it could be" he smirked at me.

It didn't take long to get to the beach, since we live near there anyway. And Matty agreed to come view apartments with me.

"I have an apartment" he said.

"really? Cool where?" I asked.

"I share it with my mate George, I don't think there's actually any rooms free in our block at the moment though..."

"aw, still though an apartment block near yours would still be fine" I smiled.

We got our fish and chips, and sat down looking over the waves in the distance.

"I hope this isn't happening all to soon" Matty said.

"no no what do you mean?"

"us... just I'm not pressuring you to be in a relationship with me I just... really like you..." he trailed off.

"defiantly not. And us both being at that party must have been fate, its true love Matty" I said.

"so you love me?"

"well of course"

"good because I love you, and I don't think I've ever met a girl as sweet as you" he kissed me.

We sat there chatting for a long time, in fact I don't think we even looked at the clock once.

"oh no" I said.


"its 5 past 2, we better get going quick!" I panicked.

We got up and rushed to the car.

"my mum will be waiting for us to pick her up"

Matty went a bit faster, and we soon arrived 10 minutes later.

"where on earth have you been? I said 2 o clock" she said, getting into the car.

"sorry we got a bit carried away" I said.

"and it stinks in here, do you smoke?" she said in disgust.

Luckily I don't think Matty heard her over the loudness of the music.

"ok so, we found some empty apartments in a block over here. Its only a few streets away from you, and less than 5 minutes to Matty's apartment" I said to her, as we pulled up.

After an hour of looking I finally settled on one apartment. It wasn't anything special, but it was nice. And it'll do for now anyway.

My mum walked away back into the kitchen, so fill out some forms. Leaving me and Matty in the bedroom.

"so, what do you think?" I said.

"its better than mine" he laughed.

"no I bet it's the same size"

"well, with 2 men living in the same apartment, it can get... quite messy" he laughed again.

"oh now I understand" I smiled.

"I had fun today Sophie" he stood up off the bed.

"me too" I stood up aswell.

"and I was wondering... Sophie... do you want to be my girlfriend?" he moved closer to me.

"how could I say no" I kissed him, and I felt his lips smile against mine.

"so are you two just going to stand there forever, or do you want to move in?" my mum appeared at the door, holding some keys.

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