Chapter 33 - Why?!

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"I don't believe it..." I said, shocked.

"Sophie... I... I'm sorry"

"what it there to be sorry for? Now I have a boyfriend addicted to cocaine that could KILL HIM and his best friend that is on the run from the police IN MY HOUSE!" I shouted, turning to walk out. But Matty grabbed my arm.

"Sophie I'm sorry... I should've took the warning when I went into hospital... but all of this stuff with George I guess just made me stressed and..." he trailed off.

"no wonder my bank account has been losing money you thief" I said, walking out of the bathroom.

"Sophie please... forgive me I'm sorry"

"no, you put so much stress on my life. I thought that we were just a happy boyfriend and girlfriend... but no, my boyfriend smokes weed, sometimes does cocaine and constantly has a bottle of red wine in his hand" I looked at the bottle that he had just picked up off the coffee table. Typical Matty was going to get drunk during what was potentially a fight.

"well, Sophie this time I'm really sorry... I didn't realize that I've done this to you. I should just leave, I'm a mess and I should've never met you in the first place" he put the wine back down and headed for the door. But I blocked his path.

"no, you're my mess. And we're sorting this out. Sit down" I said sterntly, turning him around. A little smirk appeared on his face.

"so, I hope you understand that I didn't actually start any of that. You bursted in on me" he pointed to the white power on the table.

"sorry, I... never realized..."


"so, first, we need to reintroduce the chart - like back at the old house. Second, I'm sorry love, but George has to go. And third, try not drinking wine during the day and save it for on a night. Ok?"

"yeah ok. What about the weed though, you said you had a problem with that?" he asked.

"no, I was just looking for another thing to say. I have no problem with that, but just not like 10 times a day ok" he giggled.

"right" he agreed.

George walked in the door.

"all quiet in here, did I interrupt a moment?" he asked, putting the shopping bags down on the table.

"no, just talking" I said.

"how the hell do we get rid of him" Matty whispered.

"I have a plan"

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