9~Leaving to Lothlórien

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The Orcs had attacked, probably lead by Reyna. Treinya came running in with Legolas, who cried out for Thranduil and I.

We ran to him. "Shh ion nîn it will be all right." I said softly to him. We went to the throne room and just sat on the throne, as a family.

If I hadn't been scared out of my mind, it would have been a lovely family moment. Thranduil stroked the back of my head.

"It will all be okay." He whispered in my ear. Legolas had fallen asleep in my arms.

I could hear yells, and thundering from outside. "I know this is a horrible time to ask, but how did you escape alive?" Thranduil asked hesitantly.

"I held on to my sons body and cried until I passed out. They must of thought I died from grief." I whispered as tears formed in my eyes again.

The battle went on for hours.

I thought we were losing after a while, and the doors were going to burst open, and we wouldn't have time to jump down to the safe room...

But instead, we heard a retreat call. From the Orcs. The lead guards came in. "The Orcs have retreated. Only a few houses were raided, the families killed." He said sadly.

I looked around. "Where's Gralone?" I asked. The guard looked up to me with the saddest expression I had ever seen. "Gralone, my brother... He has died in the battle." He said quietly.

"No..." I whispered. "Maydrien..." Thranduil started. I passed Legolas to him, and jumped down off the throne.

I ran to our room. I grabbed my bow, and a whole bunch of arrows, and a small bag I had just incase.

I then I ran to the front hall, I grabbed a random sword on a belt hanging from the wall.

I had daggers on me from waiting on the throne. I ran out the door, and to the stables. I took a black horse, and I found a black, cloak lying on the ground.

I put the cloak on and jumped on the horse, and galloped out of the gates. I was done with this... Done with death, and being so afraid.

I was tired of being stuck in a castle, not doing anything to help middle earth. I felt I could do something, so I went to seek help.


I came to the edge of Lothlórien. I got off Shadow, for that is what I named the horse, and led her into the woods.

I walked for some ways, just walking. I then heard her, Galadriel. I could hear her in my mind. "Maydrien. You come seeking help. Haldir will be with you soon." She said.

I had visited Galadriel often in my childhood. I stopped. "Haldir, I know that you're there." I laughed. Haldir and I had been friends since my first visit to Lothlórien.

"Maydrien..." he said. I turned around and we hugged, I was the only one he ever hugged.

"Mellon..." I sighed. We walked to see Galadriel. "Why have you come such a long way?" He asked, leading shadow.

"I'm tired of doing nothing. I've had too much pain and suffering, and I've done nothing to prevent it. So I've come seeking advice and assistance from Galadriel."

"Where will you go next?"

"To Saruman, Gandalf, Elrond, and then I will be off, but I might visit Radagast at one point."

"Well, you're in luck. All you've named are here, except for Radagast." Haldir said triumphantly.

I smiled and sighed. "I do miss Thranduil and Legolas already though."

"Yes, I heard you got married."

"I wish you had been there." I smiled at Haldir.

"I wish also that I had been there." he replied.

We walked to the, what I called, the "table of water" because it had a fountain in the middle of it and saw Gandalf, Saruman, Elrond, and of course Galadriel and Celeborn.

I greeted all of them and got down to business. "I want to learn how to fight, how to survive, and how to sneak around." I stated.

"And why is that?" Saruman asked.

"I am going on a short adventure."

"Where will you go?"

"Where the wind leads me."

"What will you do?"

"What the stars intend me to do."

"Will you return?"

"I don't know."

That though scared me. I didn't know if I'd return.

Saruman seemed to disapprove of my answers.

I did know my intention. I felt that Galadriel and Gandalf knew what it was.

"I do want to visit Radagast." I added. Saruman started his normal rant about Radagast and his mushrooms.

"Saruman." Gandalf spoke.

Saruman went silent. "Your spouse is Lord Thranduil, am I correct?" Gandalf asked me.


"Does he know that you are here?" Gandalf studied my face.

"Unless you've told him, then no." I said.

"He is very worried about you. He sent a frantic letter about how you went missing." Elrond spoke for the first time. I went red.

"I will tell him that you are safe and fine. I will teach you fighting skills." Elrond finished.

"I will teach you to live in the wild." Gandalf added.

"I will teach you to sneak around." Saruman sighed.

"I will help you with supplies." Celeborn spoke up.

"I will accompany you for a bit of the journey." Haldir said from behind me.

"And I, will teach you how to stay calm, and happy." Galadriel finished.

"Thank you all. This means so much to me." I exclaimed.

"You can stay here for as long as you'd like." Celeborn smiled.

I was finally going to do something.


I was walking near Galadriel's mirror, just out for a walk, and Galadriel came up to me.

"Maydrien. You must know. You are carrying a child." She said to me.

"What?!" I yelled.

"It is you, and Thranduil's child." she said calmly.

"But... I-we.. We haven't had sex yet..." I whispered.

She laughed. "This is a child of love. Only the strongest love can create a child this way."

I just stared at her. "But what about my adventure?" I asked.

"The child will only start developing when Thranduil knows." She said.

I was really dumbfounded. So I'm pregnant... But I won't start to have a baby until nine months after Thranduil knows.

"Well... Please don't tell Thranduil then. I will go on this adventure, and then have this child." I said awkwardly.

"Not a soul." she smiled. Galadriel had always been one of my favorite people. I had known her almost my whole life. She always has my back.

I went back to my room. I start training tomorrow.

My real motive is to get revenge on Reyna. For everything, she's ever done.


Yay! Random baby on the way! Boy or girl? Comment what you think. I feel bad for Thranduil tho... (Even tho I'm writing this lol)

Ion nîn-my son

The Queen™


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