Ch. 7: Totally Not a Date

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Barty was a gambler. It was an obvious fact of the world. The sky was blue, the ocean was deep, and Barty was a gambler. In fact Regulus could remember many nights when the two of them would go out to Barty's favorite gambling den, Felicis Casino. There they would spend the night wasting someone else's money and flirting with the female staff. Well, it was only Barty who did the second part. Regulus has been aware for years that he preferred the company of men. Of course his parents don't know that, and they never will if he has anything to say about it.

If there was any place Barty would go to hide from the world, it would be Felicis Casino. Regulus was sure of it. But he couldn't tell Anthony any of this, the less they knew about each other the better. So when they finally ordered and received their drinks, Regulus told him what he could.
"I need information about a mark of mine.", he explained, "And I know where to get it and who to get it from. But I need backup in case something doesn't go according to plan."
"You need a bodyguard.", Anthony realized, "Why? You're a more than capable hitman yourself."
"Thank you. But what I'm good at is killing people quickly so they can't respond, and quietly so I don't get caught. I can't really fight in full on combat."

Anthony chuckled, "Padfoot is the same exact way. The bloke can make a headshot like a hundred feet away but once punches start getting thrown he backs out as quickly as possible. Something about ruining his perfectly handsome face."
A laugh escaped Regulus' lips before he had a chance to stop it. He's not even sure if he wants to stop it.
"My point is, if your reputation isn't all trivial gossip, then you can fight. Pretty well too."
"'Pretty well?!'", Anthony dramatically placed a hand to his heart, "I'll have you know I have taken on a dozen men on my own and got out without a scratch!"
"I find that hard to believe."
"How dare you!"
Regulus was laughing again. When was the last time he laughed so freely like this?

Sobering up, he looked the Marauder in the eyes, "Will you help me?", seeing Anthony's hesitance, he added, "I'll pay you for this like it's any other job you would usually take. And I have the resources to make sure you and your friends' names will never even be mentioned when people talk about the murders of Malfoy and his men. Help me and I will make it so."
Anthony deeply considered this, "Why me?"
"You're the only one available that I trust enough to not stab me in the back while we're there.", Regulus truthfully answered.
"Because of one deal we made a week ago? You don't even know if I followed through with it."
"But you did, didn't you?"
"And so did I."
"How do I know you'll keep this one though."
"If I can trust you to stand by me, you can trust me to stand by you."
Anthony sighed, "Ok, I'm in. Where is this informant of yours?"
Regulus grinned, "How good are you at cards?"

James quickly made a note of what Diana told him. He scribbled "Find BC jr. F casino. Ask D for details later" on a napkin and stored it in his pocket.
"Well I should get going. We'll talk again soon to finalize a plan", Diana went to stand up but James grabbed her wrist, "Stay. At least for a bit longer. Let me get to know who I'm working with."
She hesitated, "The less we know about each other the better, Anthony."
Right. He almost forgot she called him that.
A brilliant idea popped into his head, "I call bullshit on that. Let's play twenty questions, but with three rules. No mentions of the mafia, no questions about King or the Marauders, and avoid anything that'll possibly reveal our true identities to each other. That good?", he let go of her, leaving the door open for her to leave if she decides to.
"I suppose it is."
"I'll go first then. What's your favorite color?"

Diana was a bit confused, "I- I never really thought about it before."
"And now you have. So what is it", James leaned forward on his hands curiously, as if she was about to reveal the secrets of the universe.
"Silver is a nice color"
"That's not something you hear every day. I like it. Your turn, ask me something."
Diana thought about it, "Cats or dogs?"
"Definitely dogs", James immediately answered. Sirius would take it as a personal betrayal if he said cats.
"Shame. I rather like cats myself."
"Well everyone is allowed to have their own opinions, even if said opinions are wrong."
She sputtered and laughed and playfully shoved him, "You're the one in the wrong here."
"Oh really?"

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