Ch 6: Assumptions

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James looked at the woman in front of her in disbelief.
"How did you find me?", he asked.
Diana let go of him and backed away a few steps. "There are rumours", she said, avoiding his eyes, "People talk, and they say that if you want to talk to the Marauders, this is the place to go"
"What kind of people"
"None of your business."
"If it can possibly put me and my friends in danger than yes, it is my business"
"But if I tell you, it'll put my friends in danger"
"We'll be even then, won't we?"
"What are you talking about?"

James gave a bitter laugh, "Don't play dumb, Diana. That night you killed Malfoy you let me take the credit because you knew that if people thought I was behind it, they'd think I killed his men too. Making the Marauders having to deal with the consequences of your actions"
"What?", Diana looked shocked at the accusation. Either that wasn't what she intended at all, or she was a damn good actor. James had to assume the second option.

She mumbled a curse, "Anthony, I didn't mean to get you into trouble. It was a foolish oversight on my part and I'm sorry it's causing this much pain. Just know I wasn't playing you, I was just trying to get you to agree and I thought that since you wanted to kill Malfoy so badly, letting you take the credit would sweeten the deal of bit"
James analyzed Diana'a face for any hint of lying. He couldn't find any. He sighed, "Ok then"
"Yeah. So, you said you needed my help. What for?"
"It's better if we talk about this somewhere else, where we can't be overheard"
James thought about it, then got an idea, "Come here tomorrow at noon. The others should be busy and I know the owners so we can get some privacy."
Diana hesitated, "...Alright. Tomorrow."

Regulus was overwhelmed with curiosity. If Prongs was here, that means the other Marauders were here as well. One peak at the window and he'll know the faces of some of the most dangerous people in London. Are they all complete strangers, or can one of them be someone he knew? He crept towards the window but he was stopped by a hand grabbing his arm.

"Don't", Anthony said, "Knowing my face is bad enough, don't drag my friends into this. They have to remain anonymous for them to be safe. So don't look at them or- or else I'm not helping you."
Regulus was taken aback. Never did he expect such loyalty from a hitman. And it wasn't for the usual reasons either. Anthony wasn't worried about the Marauders company, or the money, he was worried for his friends. Regulus felt warmth settle deep in his chest and let the man known as Prongs lead him away from the pub, making sure to look away. The curiosity was still there, but he was willing to deal with the dissatisfaction.

"Goodnight", Anthony said. Regulus looked back and, before he had a chance to rethink it, went over and kissed him on the cheek. Seeing Anthony blush made him grin.

"What was that?", Sirius asked as soon as James left, "I didn't imagine that, right?"
Peter nodded, "I saw it too"
Frank looked between the three friends confused, "Saw what?"
"That!", Sirius dramatically gestured to the door, "He just left out of nowhere with no explanation."
"It's not just that", Remus added, "He's been acting weird all week. I think he's hiding something from us"
"Pro- James would never!"
"Wouldn't he? He doesn't have to tell us everything"
"Yeah but why would he hide something? He knows us, we would never judge him for anything!"
Peter shrugged helplessly, "I think he knows that, but there's a difference between knowing something and feeling it"
Sirius sighed and Remus put a hand on his shoulder, "It's alright, love. James will tell us when he's ready. Until then we need to be patient."
"Have you met me? When am I ever patient?"

Peter gave Frank a sheepish smile, "Sorry about all this"
Frank waved him off, "It's alright. Really. I should be heading home anyways", the recently engaged man stood up and waved his friends goodbye, "Thanks for the drink and have a goodnight."
The three Marauders wished Frank goodnight and returned to their conversation. Frank exited the Golden Snitch with a smile. Those four were a handful when they were together, but boy was it worth it. There was a companionship between them that you don't see often. It's clear any of them were quite literally willing to die for the others and that kinda concerned Frank. But only a little. After all, no matter how many situations they find themselves in, they always manage to find a way out.

Frank was so deep in his thoughts he almost ran into someone. Stopping himself just before they crashed, he noticed the other person doing the same.
"Sorry", he said.
"You're forgiven", she said and quickly walked past him. Frank usually wouldn't think anything of it except for the fact that James appeared out of the alleyway with a red face and intently watched the woman as she turned the corner and vanished from sight.
"Who was that", Frank asked.
James looked at him, then looked away, "Diana", was all he said. He cleared his throat, "You leaving?"
"Yeah. Promised Alice I wouldn't stay out too late and stay strictly sober."
"Fair enough. Well, see you at your wedding, if you even remember to invite me"
"Ok so I forgot to keep in touch for awhile, lay it off".
The two friends shared a laugh, and as the hitman went back into the pub, Frank realized why James was acting so weird lately.

The next day at noon, Marlene and Dorcas were running their pub when the door opened and a familiar face walked in.
"James? What are you doing here?", Marlene asked. The Marauders weren't planning a hit, at least none that she knew of, and James wasn't a day drinker.
"I- uh- I'm waiting for someone", James replied, "You mind telling me if she comes? She's got dark hair, pale skin, pretty tall for a woman-"
"Do you mean her?", Dorcas interrupted. She pointed to a two person table in the corner, "She came in ten minutes ago. Hasn't ordered anything yet, said she was waiting for someone"

James turned to look. Sure enough, Diana was sitting there, wearing a black skirt, a red blouse, and heels. Her dark hair was pulled into a braid that was resting on her shoulder. She was facing away from James, but he could still tell it was her. He suddenly felt a bit underdressed in his hoodie and jeans, then scolded himself. He was here to potentially offer his assistance, not for a date. He said a quick thanks to the married couple and headed over to the table. He sat down across from her.
"You're late", was the first thing she said.
"Hello to you too", he joked, "And I'm not late, you were early"
Diana shrugged, "Say it how you like"
James chuckled, "Ok, but seriously, why do you need my help?"

Marlene liked to think she was an observant person. So when she saw James sitting, chatting, laughing with this other person she never met before, she got an idea of what was going on. She nudged her wife, "Dorcas"
Dorcas, who was cleaning some used glasses, looked up from her work, "Yes Marls?"
"Look over there", she gestured discreetly to the corner table, "What do you see"
"I see James and a girl I don't recognize"
"You want to know what I see?"
Dorcas looked at the pair. Her eyes narrowed, then widened, "Holy shit"
Marlene laughed, "After four years, James "Lonewolf" Potter, is on a date".

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