Ch. 1: Who Let the Hitman in?

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"Anthony Dolohov", James took out his invitation and handed it to the man guarding the entrance.
The man looked at it and quickly scanned his eyes over it, then nodded in satisfaction and gave it back.
"Enjoy your evening".
James thanked him and entered the ballroom, slightly amused at how easy that was. Either Malfoy was getting lazy or these men just didn't really give a crap about their employer.

James looked around, resisting the urge to loosen his tie. The ballroom was full of London's richest families, all who had made their fortunes due to less than legal means. Not that he was one to judge, he couldn't exactly call himself an honest man of the law. Hell, he just got in here due to a fake identity and a forged invitation. James silently thanked Peter for a job well done and moved away from the entrance so that he wouldn't block any of the other guests coming in.

He made his way over to one of the tables and tried to ignore the stares. People usually tend to look at any newcomers but he can't help but feel anxious. Like they can all see right through him and are just waiting for the perfect moment to strike him down the moment he shows any sign of weakness. Christ, was that how Sirius felt every time he was forced to attend one of these events? James suddenly felt a new wave of sympathy for his friend, and relieved that he wasn't currently here. Not to mention that if Malfoy was the one hosting, the Blacks would certainly be here and they'd recognize their disowned son immediately. James's own disguise wasn't that impressive either, he just slicked back the monster that is his hair and put on some contacts that made his eyes look more green than hazel. But, as Remus put it, no one here has met him in person before so he should be able to pull this off.

'As long as I don't screw it up', James thought. He already was by sitting alone. He couldn't draw attention to himself and a brooding stranger in the corner would do the opposite, and his good looks didn't help. So he's aware he's attractive, sue him.
'Focus', James scolded himself and turned his attention to his surroundings.
Immediately he spotted Sirius's parents, Orion and Walburga Black, talking to another couple, Cygnus and Drusilla if he had to guess. While they were married, with just a look he could tell that there was no real love between them. James kept looking and spotted the host himself, Lucius Malfoy, talking (read: bragging) to a few of his guests. That's when he realized it; the gorgeous venue, the expensive looking food and wine, the lack of effort in the security. Malfoy wasn't lazy, he was cocky.

James considered going up to him now but soon decided against it. It was too early. If Malfoy disappeared now the guests would notice and the police would be on his tail immediately. Better to wait until the end when everyone was tired and slightly less than sober, even if he's gonna have to deal with a bunch of smug rich aristocrats who think they're better than everyone else because they were born lucky. In reality they were all just a bunch of grown up spoiled brats. And he would know, he was a spoiled brat.

James stood up and grabbed a champagne flute from a passing waiter, then headed over to none other than Narcissa Malfoy, the hostess of this fine party. Mrs. Malfoy was standing on the other side of the ballroom, glass of wine in hand, chatting with another woman. It seemed they knew each other quite well, he noted and did a double take. She was gorgeous. Not Narcissa, he would never fall for a married woman, and she was Sirius's cousin so that makes it a big no-no. He meant the woman next to her. She was tall, taller than Narcissa but shorter than James, with long wavy hair and nut brown eyes and wearing a red dress with black heels. Honestly he couldn't help but stare for a few seconds.

James violently shook his head and scolded himself again. He had a job to do and he couldn't afford to be distracted, no matter how beautiful those distractions are. Praying they hadn't noticed the staring, he walked up to the two women.
"Excuse me? You're Narcissa Malfoy, correct?", he asked politely, making himself sound a bit more timid.
Narcissa gave a tight smile and James gave a silent apology for interrupting.
"I am. And you are?"
"Anthony Dolohov. I just wanted to thank our hostess in person for running such a lovely party. And I must add that you look fabulous tonight", Might as well make her feel good. After all, by the end of the night she'll be a widow.
"Thank you, Lucius worked very hard to plan this night.  Especially now, with Abraxas gone...", she trailed off with a sad look on her face.

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