chapter 6:Louie's scheme

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Louie p.o.v
I wake up more early than usually because today is the day where i am going to make Weddy fell in love with me instead of Dewey.i get change and grad my phone for i can wait outside of her room until she wakes up.
Huey p.o.v
I wake up and get change.i saw that louie was not in his bed so i go to look for him.i found him waiting outside of Webby's room.i said"morning Louie why are you waiting out of Weddy's room and why did you wake up early?"Louie said"because today is the day where i win her heart."just then i see Dewey walking towards us.Dewey said"morning guys why are you waiting outside of Webby's room?"Louie said"because i am about to steal your girl."he said"oh please i was the first one to kiss her so i got nothing to worry about."i said" actually no."he said"wait what do you mean no?"i said"well since she does not remember anything after louie give her the potion that mean she does not remember the kiss either because it happen when the potion all ready took over her."he said"so the kiss does count because she does not remember it."i said"that rigth."he said"that does matter anyway because i still have a better chance to be with her than Louie does so i got nothing to worry about by the way huey can you record louie intense because i am going to eat breakfast and i don't want to miss this."i said"sure."he said"thank you and goodbye."Now me and Louie are waiting for Webby to wake up while Dewey is eating breakfast.
Webby p.o.v
I hear some talking outside of my room so i wake up and get change for i can check it out.
Louie p.o.v
I hear Webby open the door so get ready.I lean against the door frame and said"morning Webby you look so beautiful without makeup."she said"i don't have any makeup on my Granny said i can't were makeup until i am fifteen."i said in a surprise tone"oh ok."huey started laughing.she said"good morning and excuse Louie."i move out of the way.she said"i am going to eat breakfast so see you later."i said in angry tone"its not funny Huey."he said"yes is anyway lets go eat breakfast i am hungry."i said"ok." we went to the dinning room to eat.
5 minutes later
Louie p.o.v
When we were done eating breakfast i went outside to grad a rose and i went to my room.(than he does this pose and said this.)

Webby enter my room with dewey behind her and said"well goodbye dewey

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Webby enter my room with dewey behind her and said"well goodbye dewey."she left.i get up and take the roes out of my mouth.Dewey walk to ours beds and said"hey Huey do you have the video."Huey jump down from his bed and said"yeah"he shows Dewey the video and Dewey started laughing.i went to the living room where Weddy was.also Dewey and Huey follow me for they can record us.I raise the roes up for she can see it and said"if your heart was a prison i would like to be sentenced for life."she said"uh ok and thank you for the rose by the way i don't like pick-up lines."she left again.i said"why does she do not like pick-up lines ever girl like them."dewey said while blushing"because she is not like other girls she is special and that one of many things i love about her but you know who like pick-up lines."i said"who?"he said"Angle and she all ready in love with so you don't have to do anything."i said"i am not love Angle i love Webby."he said"why do you want to win her heart today of all days you could do it you choose today."i said"because i want to win her heart before December."he said"why before December?"i said"because there is a decoration that people hang up on there ceilings call a mistletoe Huey can you explain to Dewey?"Huey said while getting his JW guidebook out"it looks like this."he shows Dewey a picture of a mistletoe.he said"also if two stand people stand under it they have to kiss on the cheek or on the lips."i said"basing i want Webby to stand under it for i can kiss her but i can't do that unless i make her fell in love with me than i don't have to worry about it failing."Dewey said"oh please that plan will definitely fail and the only person you will end up kissing is Angle."i said"i am not kissing Angle anyway i am going to my room to think about more ideas to win Webby heart."he said"why can't you just fell in love with Angle."Huey said"don't worry Dewey one day it will happen now lets go outside."he said"ok."

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