chapter 15:4th of July

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Huey p.o.v
I wake and get change.after that i wake up Dewey for he can get change as well.than i wake up Louie.he said"what day is it that i have to wake up early?"i said"its 4th of July."he get out of bed and we went to the dinner room to eat breakfast.Mom said"kids me and Beakley are going to make hamburgers and hotdogs while Donald and Scrooge get the fireworks."i said"so we are charge of decorations,music,and greeting the guess."she said"yes."i said"ok."next we went to the foyer to talk.i said"Dewey you are charge of,Webby and Louie are charge of setting up the dinning room's table and decorations.we went to the kitchen to grad plates and utensils.than we went to the dinning room.Louie whisper to me"Huey i had a plan to watch the fireworks alone with Webby but i need your help."i whisper to him"what do you want me to do?"he whisper back"just keep Dewey away from us until the fireworks are over."i whisper back"no."he whisper to me"aw come on I will do anything for you."i whisper back but in a angry tone"no and that is final answer you change it no matter what."he whisper back"fine."Webby said"what are you two whispering about?"he said"nothing."we went to the foyer to decoration.after we were done i hear a knock so i open the was Violet,Angle,and Lena.they said hi Huey.i said"welcome Violet,Angle and Lena come in."i close the door.they said"hey everyone."Dewey,Louie,and Webby said"hey guys."Angle said"by the way i brought some fireworks."i said"great can i have them for i can put them somewhere safe."she said"sure."i put the fireworks in the backyard's warehouse than i went to the foyer but when i came back i hear a knock so i open the door. Behind the door it was Daisy and Goldie.i said"welcome Daisy and Goldie come in."i close the door.Daisy said"where is Donald?"Goldie said"where is Scrooge?"i said"they are out buying fireworks they will be back soon."Daisy said"ok than i am going to see if Beakley and Della need any help with the food."she left.Goldie said"i will be in Scrooge's office waiting for him."she left.Dewey said"hey Angle do you know what time is it?"Angle said"its time to get this party started."they started singing and dancing.i said"of course they are doing this."Louie said"they do this in ever party we have."we started Laughing.he said"you know if Angle keep distracting him I will be able to watch the fireworks alone with Webby."i said"Angle would never let that happen."he said"why not i can give her anything to make her do it."i said"because she wants Dewey to end up with Webby also her parents are the 4th richest people in world behind Barks they can literally buy her anything but all she wants is you to be her boyfriend."he said"well too bad i don't have a crush on her i am going to get a pep."he left.
Dewey p.o.v
While i was dancing and singing with Angle i was looking Webby and I wonder should i ask her to dance with me.Angle said"hey what are you thinking about Dewey."i said"its nothing."she said"you can tell me anything i promise i won't tell anyone."i said"find i want to ask Webby to dance with me but i don't know."she said"well since you want to you should do it."i said"what if she say no what if i mess up."she said"calm down you been training for months to dance with her and i think you are ready."i said"i feel like its not the perfect time to ask her that."she said"than when will you ask her I say ask her before its too late because you don't know what could happen if you don't ever ask."i said"what could happen?"she said"one she could have a date or boyfriend when you ask her so that means you lost your chance."i said"don't worry will ask her soon."she said"you better or else I will tell her that you have a crush on her."i said"please don't tell her."she said"than ask her."i said"how about we make a deal."she said"i am listening."i said"if i don't ask Webby to dance until February 15 you get to tell her i have a crush on her deal?"she said"deal."we continue singing and dancing.
Huey p.o.v
When uncle Donald and Scrooge come back with the fireworks i walk to them and said"do you need help with the fireworks?"they said"no."they put the fireworks in the closet.when they come back.uncle Scrooge said"where is Goldie?"i said"she is in your office waiting for you."uncle Donald said"where is Daisy?"i said"she is in the kitchen."then they left.i said"hey Louie why do you want to watch the fireworks alone with Webby?"he said"for i can have the a chance to win her heart."i said"what do you mean?"he said"i know Webby won't choose me because of her and Dewey's connections so i went to show her why she should pick me insane of Dewey."i said"good luck."he said"thank you."i said"you're welcome."Beakley said"the hotdogs and hamburger are ready."we all went to the dinning room to eat.
1 hour later
Huey p.o.v
After we were done eating we went to the foyer.Dewey said"when are we going to do the fireworks."i said"at 8:00."he said"its 4:00 so we have four more hours until the fireworks."i said"correct should we play a game."he said"yeah me and Angle need a break from dancing and singing."i said"i will go tell everyone."we went to the living.Angle said"what should we do until 8:00."i said"we can play a board game or Legends of LegendQuest."she and Lena said"no to Legends of LegendQuest."Webby said"i agree."Louie said"same here."i said"well we are not playing Legends of LegendQuest so the means board games."Angle said"but which one?"i said"we have Charades,Scroogeopoly,Jenga and Uno."everyone said"no to Charades,Scroogeopoly,and Jenga."i said"well that means we are playing Uno."i give everyone seven cards.that we started playing.
Dewey p. o.v
Violet end up winning the game of Uno.Mom said"kids its time for the fireworks."we went to the backyard.uncle Scrooge and Donald started setting up all the fireworks and lighting them up.than we watch the fireworks blows up into amazing explosions.Webby said"this is beautiful."i said"not as beautiful as you."Louie said"you know what else is beautiful you."she said"thank you."we said"you're welcome."than me and Louie started fighting.Mom grad both of us and"boys stop fighting or else you are grounded."when we were done figthing we watch the fireworks.after the fireworks show everyone left so we say goodbye to eachother and went to own rooms to go to sleep.

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