chapter 17:Webby is sick

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Huey p.o.v
Wake up and got change.than i went to the kitchen to see if mom need any help.i said"is there anything you went me to do for you mom?"she said"you can tell everyone that breakfast is ready.i said"i will."next i went to uncle Donald's house boat and told him breakfast is ready.after that i went to uncle Scrooge's office to tell him breakfast is ready.than i went to my room to tell my brothers breakfast.lastly i went to Webby's room but when i got there she was still asleep which was weird because she always wake up before me or after me also she look sick so i put my hand on her fourhand.her hand felt hot so i knew she had a fever.i went to the kitchen to tell Beakley.than Dewey and Louie come into the kitchen.Dewey said"good morning everyone wait a minute where is Webby."Louie said"i argee she usually get here before us."i didn't want to say anything because i knew they would figth over who should take care of her but i can't keep it secret forever.i said"she still asleep because she have a fever."Dewey said"i will make soup for her."Louie said"i will get the medicine."i said in my mind"the madness begin i should stay out of their way because if i don't things will get worse."i went to my room to grad my phone.i call Angle first.she said"hey Huey."i said"hey Angle can we hang out."she said"i sorry but i can't hang out today."i said"why not?"she said"because me and my siblings are practicing for our plays,sports,gymnastics,and etc."i said"oh ok."she said"wait why did you call me to hang out usually Dewey calls me."i said"because Webby have a fever,Louie and Dewey are figthing over who should take care of her also i went to stay out of their way for things don't get worse."she said"well i need to continue training so good luck."i said"good luck to you too bye."she said"bye."she hang up.than i call Violet.she said"hi Huey."i gulp and said" h hey Violet can i come to your house to hang out."she said"before you cone over i have a question."i said"a ask away."she said"howcome you are calling me instead of Webby calling me?"i said"b because i told Dewey and Louie that Webby have a fever but now they figthing over who should take care of her also i went to stay out of their way for things don't get worse."she said"i understand so yes."i said"i i will see you soon."she said"bye."i said"b bye."she hang up.than i grad all my thing.i said to myself"i hope everything go well."after that i left the house and started walking to her house.
Dewey p.o.v
After i was done making the soup i went to Webby's room to give it to her but when i got there Louie was also there with the medicine so we started figthing to see if she should get the soup or medicine first.Beakley came into the room during our fight so she grad both of us to stop the figth.than she took us out of the room.she said"why do you guys always figth?"Louie said"because we both have a crush on Webby and we went her to feel better."she said"figthing will not make her feel better."i said"ok we will stop figthing."Louie said"for now."i said"can you please not tell Webby?"she said"don't worry your secret crush is safe with me."me and Louie said"thank you."she said"you're welcome now lets go help my granddaughter feel better."we went back into Webby's room.after Beakley wake up Webby i give her soup than Louie give her medicine.Beakley said"i am going to make lunch you guys watch her and don't figth or else."Louie said"or else what?"she said"or else i tell your mom than she will grounded you two."she left.when we were watching her some weird things happen.Webby said"Dewey and Louie i am going to die?"i said"of course not Louie do you know what is wrong with her?"he said"i go get Huey he will know what is happening?"i said"ok."he left
Louie p.o.v
I went to my room to found Huey but he was not there.the only thing i found was a letter so i read it.the letter said"Dear who ever is reading this i am at Violet's house if you need me call me sincerely Hubert Duck."i take out my phone and call Huey.he said"hey Louie what's wrong with Webby?"i said"when me and Dewey were watching her she say i am going die what does that mean?"he said"she is having a fever dream."i said"fever dream?"he said"its like daydream."i said"what do we do?"he said"nothing some people fever dream but sometimes when they have one they migth say a secret."i said"like who they have a crush on?"he said"yes also it could true or not."i said"why did you leave?"he said"because i known that you two would figth and didn't went to make things worse i left."i said"i see bye."he said"bye."he hang up.then i went back to Webby's room.
Dewey p.o.v
I said"what did Huey say?"he said"she is having a fever dream its like a daydream and only some people have them."i said"anything's else."he said"also she could say a secret that true or not for example who they have a crush on."i said"oh ok by the way look over there."i point to a desk with a rose.he said"she kept the rose that give her and the ring but she also keep the candy that you give her and she sleep with the stuffed wolf that you won for her.i said"what does this means?"he said"most likely she have a crush on one of us and she kept the other gifts to not hurt them."i said"or she have a crush on both of us."he said"i don't think so."i said"well i do."Louie rolls his eyes.Webby said"Dewey and Louie before i die i need to tell you something."he said"you are not going to die Webby."i said"i am going to get a ice pack and water you watch."he said"i will."i went to the kitchen to grad watch and a ice pack.when i got to Webby's room i put the ice pack on her forhead then i give her some water.i said"how long do you think this fever will last?"he said"two days."i said"i just hope it does not last long because i hate seeing her like this."he said"me too."i said"do you beileve Huey will ask Violet out?"he said"not if he keep on stutter and acting nervous."i said"argee but maybe we should help him."he said"yeah he always help us with Webby so its time that we help him with Violet."i said"we can came up with plan later since we are taking care of Webby."he said"thats find with me."
1 hour later
Dewey p.o.v
When Beakley came back she give Webby medicine.she also give me,Webby,and Louie chicken noodle soup.when Huey come home i said"hey Huey how did things go with Violet?"he said"not well."Louie said"howcome?"Huey said"i only got to talk to her a little bit."i said"at less you are making process."Huey said"i guess."Louie said"and some you will be able to talk to her more often."i said"also after that i can ask to be your girlfriend."Huey said"if i can before its too later."i said"what are you talking about?"Huey said"well she might get a boyfriend so that means i would lose my change to be with her "Louie said"true which is why we are going to help you."Huey said"are you serious?"i said"since you help us we thought its time we help you."Huey said"thank you."we said"you're welcome."after five hours pass we went to our rooms for we all can rest.
The next day
Dewey p.o.v
Me and my brothers got ready for we can cheak on Webby.i said"do you feel better Webby?"she said"i do."Huey said"lets go get some breakfast than we can play outside."i said in my mind"i am so gald she is acting like herself."

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