chapter 23:The Finale

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Huey and Violet are girlfriend and boyfriend.Louie and Angle are dating.
Evil louie p.o.v
I said to myself"Today is the day i initiate part one of my plan."Louie said"why don't you have a evil laugh."i said"i like them but I think they are a waste of precious time plus i don't need a laugh to make me sound evil."he said"you're not wrong,i will be outside."i went outside to create an illusion of Lena for Louie.Lean said"hey Louie."he said"hi Lena why are you here?"she said"i came to see you."he said"for what?"
Angel p.o.v
I knock on the door.Huey open the door.he said"good afternoon Angle why do you have a box of cookies"i said while blushing"i made them for Louie where is he anyway."he said"he is outside."i went outside but when i got there i saw Louie kissing Lena on the lips.i felt like my heart was breaking so away ran crying.Huey said"what happen?"i still crying"here you can have the cookies."i left.
Louie p.o.v
I push Lena away and said"what do you think you are doing?"she said"its just i have a crush on you for a while now and i want to see if you feel the same."i said"i used to."she said"oh."i said"wait where is Angle she say she was coming over."i went inside.i said"Huey where is Angle?"he said"she ran away crying."i said"did she brought those for me?"he said"yes but you don't deserve them."i said"she probably hates me."he said"what did you do to make her cry?"i said"she must had seen Lena kissing me."he said"you go talk to her while go tell to Webby adout Lena."i said"ok."once i got to Angel's house i knock on the door.her brother answer it.Jack said"what are you doing?"i said"get out of my way Jack I need to speak to her."he said"no,you are no longer welcome here after what you have done to my little sister."Angle open her window and said"who is at the door."he said"your ex."i said"please just let me explain myself Angel."she said"fine."i said"i was outside with my phone until Lena came to kiss me."she said"and you didn't push her away."i said"i did but you were not there."she said"well it sounds like you cheated on me."i said"look came with me to the security room for I can show you the proof."she said"no,we are over and i do not trust you so bye."she close her window.Jack said"i was rigth about you."i said while crying"you know what i don't need you but i do want you."i went home.Huey said"how did it go?"i said"not good."he said"come with me I have something to show you."i follow him.Huey said"look at the cameras."i said"its just me."he said"exactly,which means you must have imagined Lena was there or it was an illusion of her because when i asked Webby she say that she,Violet,and Violet's dads are at the mall buying new clothes."i said"but it felt so real."he said"well sometimes Illusions can feel real even though they're not."wait if it is an illusion who could be making it?"he said"i don't know."i went to the bathroom.i said in a angry tone"EVIL LOUIE SHOW YOURSELF!!!"he said"what do you want."i said"did you make that illusion of Lena."he said"yes,it was for Angel would break up with you."i said in a angry tone"HOW COULD YOU!"he said"it was easier than I thought."i said"i hate you."he said"can i take over your body?"i said"of course not."he said"I was trying to do this the easy way but I guess I have to do this the hard way."I ran to the security room.i said out of breath"Huey i need your help."he said"what's wrong."i how do I explain this to you?"he said"Evil Louie want to take over your body."i said"wait how do you know about Evil Louie."he said"me and Dewey have been watching you on the cameras because we were worried."i said"no wonder you spend so much time here."he said"lets go found Dewey and Webby we migth need their help."Dewey said"what's going on?"he said"Evil Louie want to gain control of his body."Dewey get front of Webby.i said"Dewey why are protecting Webby from me."he said"i just don't trust you when ever your eyes turn red."i said"i understand."
A few minutes later
Louie p.o.v
Evil Louie said"sorry but since you did not give me your body i will have to take it by force."i said"don't."he said"you had your chance."i said"what if we make a deal?"i said"no,i know you would instant betray me so I rather take what is mine than make a useless deal."my eyes turn red.Huey said"oh no what should we do?"Dewey said"i don't know."i went to Uncle Donald's houseboat.i said"hey Uncle Donald you want to hear about our adventures."he said"sure."After i was done he said in a angry tone"SCROOGE!!!!"Uncle Scrooge said"hi Donald."he said"Me,Della,and the boys are moving out tomorrow."Uncle Scrooge said"why?"he said"because these adventures are too dangerous."Huey and Dewey said"but."he said"my decision is final."Huey said"i wish you were gone."i said"too bad you are stuck with me."
The next day
Dewey p.o.v
We went to the front yard.Angle said"text me if anything bad happened."i said"i will."she said"goodbye."i said"goodbye."i give Webby a hug and said"i love you."Webby said"i love you too."Violet said"you have my number rigth?"Huey said"yes."she said"good."he said"see ya soon."she hugs him.once we let them go we got into the car.when Uncle Donald started driving Webby run after the car but the gate stop her.Me and Huey wave goodbye to everyone.

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