●Chapter 03●

709 20 8

Warning• Language

*knock knock*

*no response*

*knock knock*

"Who is it?" -Momo

"It's me" -Jirou

"oh,come in the door is not locked"

*open door creaks*

"Do you need something?" -Momo

"I have something to tell you" -Jirou

"What is it?" -Momo

"I'll be leaving for 2 days" -Jirou

"WhAt?!" -Momo

"I'll visit my parents" -Jirou

"...Can i come?" -Momo

"No,you need to figure your situation out first" -Jirou

"But you said you will help me study!" -Momo

"Yeah,when i get back in the mean time I left my library pass in the table those books will help you but not much" -Jirou

"Your leaving now?" -Momo

"Yup" -Jirou

"*sigh* please tell auntie and uncle i miss them and I'll visit them sometime" -Momo

"Alright I'll tell them,but I need to go,bye!" -Jirou

"Bye bye" -Momo

Jirou left but before that she reminded Momo that the food in the pantry is enough for 2 days

I need to study and then search for a job,I'll go to the library after i clean my self up,I must have fallen asleep when i rested last night...

*shower noises*


Ah I feel so refreshed,what should
I wear? I easily get cold,and i might get home at night so its better to wear something warm...

Mhmm this should do,and I won't tie my hair...

<A few minutes later>


Okay the door is locked,I got the library pass I'll take the bus to get to the library...

<Robot voice : Please step in the bus carefully,destination is xxxxx>

*Beep* Paid succesfully

*sigh* my money😭,I should really find a job or else i'd be a burden
To jirou..that was fast after this stop,we are already in the library..

*beep* Please turn the card over


Is that boy okay? Does he know how the bus works?-Momo

*beep* Please turn the card over

Are you serious? Did he come from another dimension? *sigh* I'm only doing this once..

*beep* Paid Sucessfully

"Thankyou,so much"-random bus boy

"No problem" -Momo

"What a nice young lady.." -Random bus grandma

<Robot voice: Arrive at the destination,please,step out carefully and thankyou for riding

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