Not what it looks like

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"Changbin hyung? What are you doing"? " S-seungmin it's not w-what it l-looks like" Changbin escaped from felix's grasp and went with seungmin. " What were you doing hyung?" seungmin asked. "Nothing just gorget about it. Come on lets go back."Meanwhile with felix. "I can't believe he just left." Felix sighed and went back to his table. He saw changbin's table and him. He shot the older a wink causing him to blush.

"What took you long" hyunjin asked. " I was with my new target."

Changbin's table

"Hyung what did he say to you?" seungmin asked. "He he wanted to ruin, but i don't know what he meant by that." "Do you think he likes you?" minho asked. "I don't think so i just met him." Changbin said.


School finally ended. Changbin was walking with his friends. They all started going their own ways, leaving changbin alone to walk home. It was getting darker and changbin thought he saw someone behind him. He ignored it and walked faster. The person got really close and before changbin knew it- he was pulled into an alley. "Let m-me g-go!" Changbin yelled.

I was walking to school when all of a sudden i heard someone yell 'let me go' i went to check it out and it was that beautiful boy i pinned in the locker. I ran towards him.

Changbin kept trying to get away and kept crying. "You're not going anywhere " the man said. He raised his hand to slap changbin. Changbin waited for the hit until he saw someone else. It was that kid that had pinned him in lunch. Changbin blushed to the moment that had happened to him. Felix knocked the guy out and helped changbin up from the ground." Thank you" changbin said. "Whatever" felix said trying to not coo at the older's cuteness. Changbin was leaving until someone held his hand. "Let me walk you home." Felix said

Mr.Flirt~(changlix)Where stories live. Discover now