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It was prom day and i was looking for something that would make me stand out in my house.

I decided to go to the store and get a dress.

I arrive at the store and was looking for one. And then i saw it.

It was beautiful.

A black short dress.

I quickly grabbed it and payed

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I quickly grabbed it and payed.

I soon arrived to my house with only 1 hour left to change.

I shower,put on the dress, high heels, and put a little bit of make-up.

I shower,put on the dress, high heels, and put a little bit of make-up

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I was doing my hair until I heard my door bell ring.

I asked hyunjin if he could pick me up so i could surprise lixie. He agreed AND his date is SEUNGMIN. I'm so happy.

I head out the door and got greeted by Seungmin.

"Minnie! You look so pretty!"

"Minnie! You look so pretty!"

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I asked minnie if we could match and he agreed and I'm so happy

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I asked minnie if we could match and he agreed and I'm so happy.

"You look pretty too binnie."

"Thank you minnie. Come on let's go."

We walk to hyunjin's car and got in.

"Wow changbin you look good."

"Thank you hyunjin."

Hyunjin starts the car and we drive to school.

We arrive and get out.

"Wait changbin. You have to wait outside."

"What why?"

"I don't know. The school just told me that. They said a person will let you come in soon."


I waited outside for 3 minutes until someone finally said I could go in.

"Are you changbin?"


"Ok you can go in now."


I wait inside the gym and wait for changbin. I then hear the gym door open and he comes in.

He looks so beautiful.

He was stunning. He walked to me and hugged me.

"Lixie you're so handsome!"

"Thank you baby. And you're so beautiful."

"Thank you lixie."

I then extended my hand to him.

"Do you want to dance?" I ask him.


He then placed his hand in mine and we danced.

Mr.Flirt~(changlix)Where stories live. Discover now