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"Hey changbin." Hyunjin said in a flirting voice.

"H-hi hyunjin." Changbin stuttered. "So what are you doing here by yourself self." "O-oh I just went to the bathroom and barely got out." "Oh. I saw felix go out. Did you guys do something together here?"

"N-no, why would you say that." "Because your lips are all swollen." Changbin was embarrassed and scared of what hyunjin was saying.

Hyunjin suddenly stepped closer to changbin causing him to hit his back against the restroom wall. Hyunjin got closer and closer. "Um, h-hyunjin what are y-you doing." Hyunjin didn't answer he just kept getting closer.

Hyunjin's face was centimeters away from changbin's. "Why don't you like me." Hyunjin sauddenly asked. Changbin was surprised at the others' question. "W-what. I do like you hyunjin."

Hyunjin put his hands on the wall on each side of changbin's head. "I mean love-like." "I'm sorry hyunjin I just don't like you that way." Hyunjin got angry and shoved changbin against the wall hard.

"H-hyunjin stop." "No. Why does it have to be felix. Why can't it be me." "I'm sorry hyunjin." "You know what since you guys aren't even dating, I could still have you myself whether you like it or not." "W-what do you mean hyunjin." "You will be mine." Hyunjin said before kissing changbin.

Changbin was in shock. He was trying to get away but hyunjin was to strong for him. Hyunjin then went to changbin's neck to leave marks. Changbin was crying because of how weak he was and of what was happening.

"H-hyunjin p-please s-stop." Hyunjin didn't listen and kept doing what he was doing. "STOP please."

A little earlier back to felix Pov

"Oh felix you're back. What took you so long." Chan asked. "Nothing mate. Hey where's hyunjin?" Felix asked. "Oh he went to the bathroom as well. You didn't see him?" Jisung asked. "No... Oh my god, changbin is still there!" Felix yelled and ran to the restroom.

While he was getting closer he heard someone yell "STOP please." Felix was furious and ran super fast. When he got there, he say hyunjin marking changbin's neck. Felix ran to him and pulled hyunjin away from changbin.

He punched hyunjin and kept punching him until changbin grabbed his arm to stop him. Felix looked up and his heart broke. Changbin was crying and was really red. Felix went to changbin and hugged him. "I'm so sorry baby. I should have came earlier." "I-it's not your fault lixie. I should have left earlier." "No no it's not your fault either."

Felix then turned to hyunjin angrily. "WHY DID YOU DO IT! LOOK WHAT YOU DID TO HIM!" Felix yelled. "I'm sorry changbin." "Save your apologies." "Come on baby let's go."

Hyunjin was there on the ground crying because of what he did. Suddenly someone came in. Hyunjin heard someone say "Are you ok?" Hyunjin looked up at a pretty boy who was in front of him.

Hyunjin put his head back down. "Here" hyunjin looked up and saw the boy give him a handkerchief. "What's this for." Hyunjin asked. "So you can clean your tears." Hyunjins' heart skipped a beat. "Thank you." The boy crouched down to where hyunjin was.

"My name is Kim Seungmin."

Mr.Flirt~(changlix)Where stories live. Discover now