Fix this

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I saw changbin turn to me. And i froze how could chan say that in front of him.

Changbin screamed at me and i was getting really sad. I said changbin was my target at first, but then i really fell for him. Is he even going to believe me?

I see him running away and I turn to chan.

"Why the hell did you say that while he was here!?"

"Woah dude calm down. He is just a target remember?"

"No! I actually fell for him." I said before running to go look for him.

I looked all over the school and i couldn't find him anywhere.

I then saw jisung and minho getting out of a cafe close to school and ran towards them.

"Jisung!" He turns and frowns.

"What the hell do you want jerk?" He asks.

"Do you guys know where changbin is?"

"Why would you want to know?" It was minho's turn to talk.

"Because changbin misunderstood something."

"Oh what. That you just used him?" Jisung came close to me.

"Jisung wait." Minho said. "What did he misunderstand?"

"Chan said changbin was my target, which he was in the beginning, but then i actually fell in love with him. He left before i could say anything."

I see that jisung's face softens. "Really?"

"Yes. Please tell me where he is."

"He went to his house." Minho says.

"Thank you." I then went running to changbin's house. I got there and knocked on the door and was greeted with his mom.

"Oh hey felix what brings you here?"

"I really need to talk to him. He misunderstood something. Can i please talk to him?"

"Sure. He's in his room."

"Thank you." I ran up to his room. I didn't bother knocking on his door. I needed to fix this.

I open it and i see him crying on his bed. He looks up.

I run to him and kiss him.

Mr.Flirt~(changlix)Where stories live. Discover now