Becoming a new ego

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"So Eric since your an ego we should introduce are selves cause theses will all be your new roommates or family" dark said adjusting his suit "everyone line up please so this is how it will work you will state your name and what you do as an ego" dark said, everyone line up "hi I'm yandereplier but you can call me yan I am from a video game and I murder people" yan stayed proudly Eric eyes widen "I'm in a house with a murderer" Eric thought "the names ed edger but yer can call me ed I sell children" he said, Eric frowned "I'm wilford warfstache also know by will or uncle wilford I am a television show host also I murder people" he smiled but flinched at the word murder " these are going to be my new roommates" Eric trembled "I'm google and I'm an android and my premiere objective is to destroy man kind" "w-w-what" Eric stuttered "The host has stated his name and told him what he does that is all you need to know" the host said walking off, Eric looked at him "I'm Jim and this is Jim we are a news channel" Eric smiled "I guess he wasn't the only one who had a tv show even though they were probably more professional them him he couldn't even say his name right" " I'm bim trimmer I'm a game show host and probably the best", "I'm dr iplier I'm a doctor and im sorry to say your dying" "WHAT!" Eric yelped in fear " I'm silver shepherd you can call me silver and I'm a superhero" Eric looked at him in amazement "I'm darkiplier also know as dark or sir but nobody uses that one... anyway I am pretty much the leader here I keep everything in check but what I do I guess I do my best to try and murder markiplier" Eric flinched "wait he knows markiplier like" Eric thought "m-my n-n-n-n-name is e-Eric d-d-Derek s-son a-and I w-wel-l I u-s-ed to h-have a a-a d show" Eric said the Jim's and bim smiled "good to know so you already know king and you can stay with whoever you choose I can make an air mattress for you or you can sleep on the couch until we can get you a room" dark said, Eric would like to have a sleepover king but that's to rushed for him "I'll-l take t-t-the cou-ch" Eric said, "Alright dinner is at 7:45 so you have enough time to get to know everyone" dark said "what time is it now" Jim asked " it is 6:23" dark said everyone went back to what they were doing before google had been sitting on the couch doing something with numbers and math, bim and will had been playing a trivia game ed was talking with yan about children the Jim's were looking at them dark was going back to his office "ERIC want to play trivia with us" bim shouted, Eric jumped and shook his head, he hadn't really learned much in school and trivia has something to do with questions or a topic which he was not good at.
Darks POV
I thought back to what Eric had said about his family "why do I care for this boy it's not my responsibility to babysit him but the host came the same way running in the forest blood dripping down his eyes he was really rude when we first met but now I call him a friend" I should go talk to host maybe he can give me advice the kid is very anxious and frightened if I want to protect this boy I need more information" I walked down the hall and saw Eric talking to king and the Jim's I knocked at hosts door "come in" host said "host I need information on something about Eric", I said "why, why do you think I know this boy" host said turning his chair around "you know pretty much everyone and everything about them so I thought you might have one about Eric" i said, "I have a file on him but there really isn't much information about him he works for a company called..." host stopped and looked up from the file "wait hold on your telling me that he knows that fucking actor"! I shouted my  aura flicker "we need to host a meeting" I walked out of the room with the file in hand I heard host say "a new meeting has been hosted now everyone please report to the office" I walked into the office, everyone had fallowed "what's this about" wilford asked "something really important" I said.
Third person
"I'm sure you are all wondering what your doing here but Eric here are some questions I must ask you" dark said calmly, Eric sunk down in his seat everyone had been staring at him "Eric do you know markiplier" dark asked sternly "wel-ll I-I r-remem-ber m-m-arkiplier.c-com but not m-markiplier h-Imsef" Eric said, everyone starred nobody blinked "Eric there is something you should know about markiplier" wilford hissed "will don't he's to young" dark said "he needs to know" will said "I don't approve but do what you need to do" dark said, Eric looked frightened "markiplier is know as the actor here he is NOT a good person" wilford shouted "b-but he d-d-d-donated t-to ch-arity" Eric trembled "that's why he's know as the actor he pretends to do good but he has murderer many lives" dark said silencing wilford, Eric looked shocked he had heard great things from his dad about mr.mark "i-i p-promise to n-n-nev-er speak t-to ma-rk" Eric promised "your a good man Eric" dark smiled, Eric smiled back "Alright everyone get in the kitchen it's time for dinner" dark said everyone rushed to the kitchen "come on Eric you don't want to miss dinner bim and googles cooking is the best" king said grabbing his hand running down the hall "Alright tonight's dinner is... turkey!" Bim smiled "how did you even have the time to make a fully baked turkey" wilford asked "good question we started making dinner yesterday" google said "wow you really do go all out with dinners don't you" yan smiled "we sure do" bim  said. Everyone finished eating and had mostly gotten full "man I'm stuffed" wilford said, "Alright who saved room for dessert" bim smiled "you bet your fucking ass"- Eric had never eating this much in his life he was really going to like it here, after everyone finished there food they went upstairs and went to bed Eric went to the couch and fell asleep, yan walked in and saw Eric shivering, he placed a blanket over him and walked out of the room.

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