Keeping secrets

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Darks POV
King was quiet the rest of the way home he must really care about those squirrels I hope he's alright, king when into his room "I'm going to go talk to king" I said walking toward his room, yan put his hand on my shoulder pulling him back "let me talk to him he won't tell you cause your like a dad to him but he will tell a sibling" yan said, I hated to face it but he was right king had always treated me like a dad more than a leader "fine just be gentle with him" I said walking back to the others.
Yan's POV
I understood how dark was feeling but as much as I hated to admit I'm a little more kinder than him he can be kind but not very understanding, I knocked on the door "king can we talk" I asked "come in" he said I heard a little bit of sniffing I opened the door and walked inside I had never been inside his room before he had a window next to a big tree and his wallpaper was like a forest a bunch of little squirrels were on top of him curled up "king are you alright" I asked "no Joey was one of my best friends and he was the first to respond to me he saved Eric but lost his life in the process" king cried "it's going to be okay king" I said "no it's not it's my fault if I had saved him my self I would have done it but I'm to much a of a c"- I interrupted king "you are not a coward and it is not your fault you can't control what Joey choose to do" i smiled "thank you yan" king hugged me, I hugged back "your welcome king" I said "alright why don't you and Eric go help bim and google cook dinner" I suggested "good idea bye yan" king said running out of the room I started to walk out of the room "your a good man yan" dark said leaning against the wall besides the door "thank you" I smiled I walked back to my room satisfied at my good deed.
Third person
"Eric want to help bim and google make dinner" king asked "s-sure" Eric said getting up off the couch "bim can we help you make dinner" king asked "sure we're making spaghetti" bim smiled "google get your metal ass in here we're making dinner" bim smiled "not that I care but you should have asked politely" google said walking down the hall into the kitchen "Alright Eric can you get me the noodles and the sauce" bim asked, Eric opened the cabinets and got out the sauce and noodles and placed them on the counter "king can you get out a big pot and fill it with water" google asked taking the sauce and noodles "I sure can" king smiled pulling out a big pot and filling it with water "alright now we boil the water" bim smiled "kids there really isn't much to do but there is something you can do for the host" google said "w-what's t-that" Eric asked "you can go into iplier office and pick up his medicine" google said turning back to the boiling water "let's do it" king said picking up Eric "p-put m-m d-down" Eric screamed "ahh young love" bim smiled, google pulled out a wooden spoon and smacked bim in the back of the head "ouch" bim said rubbing his head. "And we're here" king said putting Eric down "d-don't d-do t-that" Eric panicked "fine" king said opening the door "oh hello kids what can I help you with" iplier said turning around in his office chair "we're here to pick up hosts medicine" king smiled "alright" iplier said handing them they walked out of the room and went to hosts Eric knocked on the door "come in" host said they walked in "what do you want" host asked "we have your medicine" king smiled "hand it to me please, who told you about it" host frowned "google did cause we were helping him make dinner and there was nothing else to do" king said "of course he did please don't tell dark I don't want him to worry" host asked "I-i p-p-promise" Eric promised "thank you" host said he opened the pill bottle and took two out and swallowed them they both left the room "what did you not what me to know" dark asked king and Eric froze "it was nothing" king said "really now cause from what I heard it sounded like something about medicine" dark frowned "w-we c-can't t-tell y-you" Eric stuttered "fine but I'll figure it out also please meet me in my office later" dark asked, he walked away from the door the kids walked into kings room.
Hosts POV
Dang headaches iplier still hasn't told me what it was about his words were "um I'll tell you some other time" stupid doctor it's probably not even that bad but at least is helping I get another knock at my door I hide the pills "come in" I said sitting up straight, dark walked in "good evening host what was it you didn't want me to know" dark asked, shit I forgot you cant keep secrets from him I'm just glad the kids didn't tell him "nothing I don't know what your talking about" I lied I hated lying to dark but I couldn't let him know I just couldn't he would pressure iplier to help me cause since I'm one of his 'friends' he insists that he helps us "don't lie to me you hate lying so why do you lie now" dark asks "I'm not lying it's really nothing" I lie aging "then why were you promising the kids something about medication" dark asks I can tell he's getting angry "we weren't they just stopped in to say hi" I lied "stop lying" darks voice echoes louder "I'm not" I say louder "HOST JUST ANSWER THE QUESTION"! Dark shouts "NO"! I yell back "I JUST WANT TO HELP YOU" dark shell cracks "I DONT WANT YOUR HELP" I shout, I hated every moment that I said I hated lying but I couldn't bring myself to face it he's not going away anytime soon there is one thing I can do "HOST JUST ANSWER ME" dark shouts "darkiplier walked out of hosts room" I narrated, dark started walking "host stop let me help" darks voice echos as he walks out a quickly run to the door and lock it, I hated every moment of that it hurt me to seem him like that, I wanted to cry but I had no eyes how could I cry the blood just streamed down my face.
Darks POV
How could he, why wouldn't he tell me, why can't I know, I had so many questions that I wasn't getting answers to he never narrates like that he only narrates to kill it hurts me to see him try so desperate to lie I will get my answers but not right now... hold that thought who is are only doctor iplier and I bet he is clueless about the situation and should tell me very thing I need to know I walk down to iplier a room and open the door "iplier can you tell me what the kids came in here for" I asked "they came here for hosts medicine why do you ask" he said scrolling threw his phone "just curious but what exactly is hosts medicine for" I asked "I haven't told him yet but his headaches come from his narrating thing I haven't told him cause he would be devastated but the medicines actually working he just has to take them before he narrates" iplier said looking at me "okay but do you know why he wants to keep it secret" I asked "I think it's because of you dark" iplier said, I felt angry but very curious "what, what do you mean because of me" I asked "your very protective and from hosts nature he's very independent so maybe try to let him do his own thing" he suggests "thanks iplier" I said walking out of the room I would like to apologize but I can't talk to him ohh but I can text.
Dark- hey host I came to apologize I'm sorry for pressuring you to tell me what was going on I really care about you your my friend and iplier told me what happened so you don't really need to tell me.
Host - ... I forgive you but I would have told you if it had gotten worse not when I had handled the situation.
Dark- I'm aware of that now I will let you have a little more room to breathe and handle your own situations I have to go I have a meeting with the kids.
Host-about what...
Dark-about their rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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