Friends of his friends

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"DAD"! Eric shouted, tears steaming down his face, dark ran into the room "Eric what's wrong" dark said walking over to Eric "m-my d-d-d-d-dad" Eric cried, "shh it's okay" dark said hugging him, "I m-is-s h-h-h-him s-o much" Eric cried "it's going to be okay he is now at peace" dark said, shushing Eric "t-t-thank y-ou" Eric smiled wiping his tears "your welcome Eric I'm going to wake the others for breakfast you can wait at the table" dark said walking into the hallway.
Darks POV
"Poor Eric, but there was something about that fire that didn't make since, the news channel had said it was a kitchen fire but based on the pictures it looked as if it where set from something else" I thought, I walked up to hosts room "host can you announce for everyone to wake up please breakfast is ready" I asked, host didn't like to argue much unless he had good reason to, so he did as I asked "good morning alter egos please make your way down to the kitchen for breakfast" host said into his microphone "Jesus you sound like a principal" dark laughed, "shut up" host said walking toward the kitchen.
Third POV
"Hi Eric how did you sleep" king asked loudly, Eric jumped a little "h-I king u-um I-i sle-pt good" Eric lied "that's good" king said, everyone entered he kitchen and sat at the table "who made breakfast" king asked "I am it's going to taste great"! Bin smiled "who gave bim coffee" dr. Iplier shouted "nobody did he's probably just in a good mood sit down" wilford shouted, Eric noticed that the table had been split into parts like where most of the people sat were in like groups. Bim put the toast into the toasters "hey Eric did you know that we had three toasters" asked king, "n-no I d-d-didn't" Eric said, the toast popped out of the toaster and into his hand "catch"! Bim said throwing the toast throwing the toast to people everyone had got the toast. After breakfast dark made an announcement "everyone we're going to visit jacks egos", everyone cheered "you could had just said our friends" wilford laughed "well what about Eric he doesn't know our dear friends" yan smiled "everyone just get your shoes on we are walking" google said, "but we have a car" dr.iplier groaned "we do have a car but do you really think you can fit all of us in one car and besides we might at as well get some exercise in because Ed is getting fat" host said "hey"! Ed shouted "just get your shoes on" dark said walking over to the door, everyone got there shoes on and walked out the door yan started to jog "w-why a-are y-y-you r-Unn-ing" Eric asked "I have to be fit for senpi" yan said "w-hat" Eric said "yan is obsessed with this guy and will kill anyone who tries to get close to him" king said following them. Snap! Eric turned around looking toward the noise shuffle shuffle! "D-d-dark w-what I-s t-that" Eric said, dark turned around facing Eric "it's him wilford,host,google,yan, silver weapons at the ready bim, dr.iplier protect the Jim's king and Eric" dark said, "they think I'm weak but I'm not weak I can fight off somebody who am I kidding I can even run fast enough to escape this person" Eric thought, "ahh Damien I see you have a new friend" actor said facing Eric "Damien why did he call dark Damien" Eric thought "DON'T. TOUCH. HIM." Dark said his aura flickered "I won't I won't but Eric is very special" actor said "what are you talking about" dark said in confusion, "what I'm not special he's lying" Eric thought "y-y-y-y-your l-ying" Eric said "oh I am no liar Eric I only speak the truth" the actor said "bullshit" wilford said holding his gun "ahh William I missed you old friend", "you were never really friends the only time you actually did something nice for him was when you let him live with you" the host said leaning on his bat "and who are you supposed to be the disabled one" the actor smirked, host felt his face burning with rage "excuse me but you are interrupting are walk can you leave" google said "hmm that's pretty rich coming from you your normally the one interrupting your friends with auto correct" actor said, google looked like he would if a human said they were better then him "guys he's just trying to mess with you don't let it get to you" silver said "and the cowardly hero right" actor said silver frowned "what do you want from us"! King shouted "ah hello king how's it going" actor said walking toward them dark blocked him "I was just trying to be friendly but I guess you really are picking for a fight" actor said he flicked his wrist a whole in the ground opened a bunch of gooie figures came out, the Jim's and Eric screamed in terror "egos attack stay in your positions" dark said shooting at the actor "Eric,Jim's,king stay behind us" bim said picking up rocks and throwing them at the good monsters "wait my squirrels they have teeth they can fight!" King thought, king ran out in-front of Bim and dr.iplier "king what are you doing" dr.iplier shouted running after him king whistled and an army of squirrels came down from the trees and started to attack the goo monsters "go my subjects" king said, dr.iplier grabbed kings hand taking him back.
"Ahh Damien it's just you and me old friend" the actor said laughing pulling out a knife "who brings a knife to a gun fight" dark grinned the tussled around, "bim let us fight we will be fine" king whined "absolutely not you three don't know one thing about fighting" iplier said, "wait Jim's do you see that whole right their I want you to see what's inside it" bim said they both nodded "what are you doing" iplier looked at bim "they can help since the little things keeping coming out we just have to find away to stop it" bim smiled "bim their kids and what if they get cornered" iplier said "then we will be their to protect them" bim said "I don't like this but we have to win bim go get our friends for reinforcements we can handle this part" iplier said "no I'm not very fast you run in the er everyday you should do it, iplier listen to me you have to do this if you don't who can" bim said "fine protect the kids" iplier said running off "iplier,bim what are you doing" host said wiping the goo off his face "are job" bim said taking a stick and hitting the good away "kids go" bim smiled "Jim's look through the whole me and Eric will help the others" king said grabbing a stick "WHAT"! Eric said screaming "I can't do this" Eric screamed "Eric we have to do this for are family" king said handing Eric a stick, Eric took hold of the stick and started getting rid of the goo king made his way to dark "king what are you doing" dark said shooting at actor "helping" king said hitting the actor with the stick Eric saw rope on the ground he picked it up and ran over to dark and king "Eric what are you doing you should be staying with bim and iplier" dark frowned "well the plans have changed" King smiled hitting actor "I don't have time for these stupid kids" actor said kicking king in the face making him bleed "ouch"! King said rubbing his nose, dark aura bursted with rage Eric ran over to king giving him a yellow cloth he picked up the rope and ran around the actor "dark throw me" Eric said dark looked hesitant but threw him anyway Eric was up in the sky he made the rope into a lasso and swung from a tree kicking actor in the face "stupid fucking kid"! Actor said turning into smoke trying to catch Eric, dark caught actor and choke held him Eric saw goo going toward king he swung over picking up king by the arm "thanks Eric drop me off near the whole the Jim's are near it if the actor sees us he's going to hurt us" king said, Eric dropped him toward the whole swinging back to help dark "Jim's do you find anything", "yes can you get me a big rock" Jim asked king ran over to a bolder and rolled it over to the Jim's the pushed it in the whole making it spray with goo "we did it" Jim shouted hugging other Jim king hugged them "NO YOU STUPID KIDS ARE DESTROYING EVERYTHING"! The actor said escaping darks grasp, the actor flicked his wrist a second time making another whole open and the other open aging "but we fixed it and now there's another one" king said in confusion "egos regroup we need another plan" wilford said limping on one leg "you kids are so grounded when this is over" dark said "but since you did help us you can help one last time" host said, they all smiled "where is iplier" yan shouted looking around "we brought reinforcements" iplier said standing on top of a hill with the jacksepticeye egos "I knew you could do it iplier" bim shouted, everyone regrouped on one side "so what's the plan" chase said loading his nerf gun "well who can fight cause we should have standers for people who can't fight" dark said reloading his gun "that's a stupid idea why don't we all go in all of us can fight in a way" anti groaned "that's sucide" dark frowned "well do we have any other ideas" Marvin asked "no we don't so why don't we just go for it we can regroup if we need too" yan said pulling out a katana "fine but try and stop the wholes from opening" dark said "ALTER EGOS ATTACK"! Anti and dark said charging at the goo, dark and wilford when for the actor the others when to stop to goo and the kids when to stop the opening.

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