Chapter Three // Prologue and Introductions

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I had just turned sixteen and was merely a sophomore in high school when I went to my first One Direction concert. My best friend, Ellie, was a senior and had recently turned eighteen. So being the “smart” people we were at the time, we decided it would be a good idea to sneak me into a club after the show. Since the legal drinking age in Aus is 18, Ellie was fine but I wasn’t. We had crammed ourselves into a group of people, and the bouncer didn’t even see us sneak by.  


Since they weren’t very known at the time, One Direction would flirt with strangers at clubs and take them back to their rooms for the night, just like anyone else. If you think about it, it wasn’t that strange considering they didn’t even have 5 million followers on twitter at the time. I personally hated alcohol. Two of my friends and I had thought that trying vodka last month would be a good idea, but all it resulted in was a hangover worse than hell and the abhorrent taste lingering on our lips. I only agreed to tag along to the club for the chance that we may bump into the boys.

Within the first ten minutes I’d lost El and saw her flirting with some blonde guy at the opposite end of the bar. I’d sat down at a stool and ordered myself a coke.


“A coke with vodka?” The bartender had asked.

“No, just a plain coke please.”
“No alcohol?”
“I don’t drink, but thanks.”

“Make that two please,” A third voice said, as he sat down next to me. “So why are you here if you don’t drink?”

The bartender handed us our drinks and left to tend to a two girls that had obviously had more to drink than they could tolerate.

Turning around, I had had looked to see who I was speaking too. In the process of doing this, I had accidentally spit out some of my drink onto Zayn’s lap.

“Zayn Malik?” I’d said, my eyes widening. He put out his hand, shaking mine.

“I’m Zayn, nice to meet you. And you are?”
“Danielle Becker.”

“Pretty name. It suits you.”

Blushing, I replied with a simple “Thank you”.

“So why are you here, at a bar, only drinking soda?”
“For one thing, I’m only sixteen. I don’t drink. My friend El over there,” I pointed to her, now having a rather heated make out session with the blonde. “Wanted to come. You?”
“I see Niall over there is getting quite close with your friend. Harry is here somewhere, Liam left with his girlfriend, I have no clue where the hell Louis is, and I just don’t feel like drinking.”
“Your show tonight was really good, and holy shit my best friend is making out with Niall Horan.” I’d accidentally blurted out. “I mean, I’m sorry I j-”
Zayn laughed. “Thank you Dani. You have nothing to be sorry about.”

We made small talk about music and pretty much every other topic one could speak of, later on exchanging numbers.

“How long are you Sydney for?” I had asked him.

“We leave the day after tomorrow. Or tomorrow, I suppose, as it’s already after midnight.” He said. “Maybe we could hang out tomor-”

His sentence was cut off by Niall, who was tipsy but stable. Clearly Ellie had had her fair share of drinks. “Zayn, mate! El and I are gonna head up to my room. You’re the only one still here.”

“Dani!” El slurred. “I’m goin up with Niall. I’ll call you tomorrow.”
“Have fun, but be safe!” I shouted after them, causing a giggle to slip out of Zayn’s mouth.

I had ended up sleeping over in Zayn's room that night, as my ride was drunk and I didn’t have my license.

“Here, you can wear my shirt.” He said. “You’re not going to bed in a dress, Dani.”
“Thank you so much. I seriously really appreciate it.”
“No problem. Its cool making friends with fans, but not like the crazy fans.”
I laughed at that. “Thanks. You guys are really cool. At least I won’t be alone when I’m helping Ellie with her hangover in the morning.”

We both slipped into his bed, and Zayn lazily draped an arm around me, both of us drifting quickly into a sleepy abyss.


The following day Niall and Ellie both had terrible hangovers. Niall’s room was connected to Zayn’s, so while he was helping with Niall in his room, I was helping Ellie in Zayn’s.

“Dani what the fuck happened last night, and why did I wake up naked in bed with Niall Horan?” She’d groaned, hurling into the toilet.

“Do you seriously not remember what happened?” I replied, laughing.

“Bits of it, but it’s all blurry.”
“Basically once we got to the club, you clearly hit it off with Niall, and had drunk sex in his hotel room.”
“Right. Did you do anything?”
“Zayn and I talked about life and drank coca colas.”
“Yes El. We just talked. I guess I’d consider him my friend, actually.”
“Does this mean I’m like, a groupie?”
“Would you sleep with him again next time he came to Sydney?”

“Dani is that even a fucking question.”
“Then you have your answer.”

sorry for taking so long to update! only like, two people read this but just knowing even that many people take time out of their day to read my writing is incredible. this chapter was basically just a deeper explanation of everything idk i'm sorry for how cliche it is but i sweaR IT'LL GET BETTER.
happy new years friends! i really want to finish this story this year!
also shawn mendes tweeted me on saturday so that was cool idk

i love all of you okay
also this is a 5sos ff but one direction still play a role in it 

-maggie (@midnightmendes) 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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