When they're jealous

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Alex- Pulls you away from this girl/guy and gets ready to roast his drunk ass

Aaron- Excuses himself, and questions if you really love him, you walk after him, and comfort him

Laurens- angry turtle boi. he kisses your cheek, hugs you, and kills this person with his glare

Lafayette- He will kiss you, and if that doesn't work, he will start cursing this person out in French

Mulligan- no one dares cheat on the partner of this (gentle but they don't know that) giant. but if they do... they have fucked up

Washington- same as laurens, but he's the president, so they are fucked.

Jefferson- he yells at this person for hitting on you, takes you home, and you get into an argument that turns into a heated make-out session

Madison- he gets very quiet and sad, so you go comfort the sick boi

King George- you have to drag him away from this bitch, so he doesn't kill them

Angelica- legit, she will bitch slap them, and kiss you

Eliza- she trusts you, and doesn't really get jealous

Peggy- she will get quiet which never happens, and hug your waist, so you guys leave and cuddle during a disney movie.

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