Lee Catch Up

709 12 16

Where You Met- 

You met each other at the animal shelter, looking at dogs (i want to meet my partner like this). He adopted 3 more dogs, you helped him carry the stuff to the car. He asked for your number and a coffee.

Hogwarts House-

TBH, he's a muggle. but if i had to choose, hufflepuff who pretends to be a gryffindor, lmao

Candy Choices-

idk, some weird shit maybe beanboozled? if anyone comes up with anything else, let me know!

How he hugs you-

he sandwiches a dog between you guys, you hug the dog, he hugs you

Pick Up lines-

'I like more than my dogs, all 7 of them.'

What he does to annoy you-

He tries to take dogs from the dog park (CHARLES, STOP TRYING TO TAKE THE DOGS)

What he does when he's jealous-

He goes home and sits with the dogs, eating ice cream. thinking you're going to leave him, and going into full 'she dumped me' mode.

Type of Dog he has-

lmao, all of them. seriously tho

Nicknames for you

-babes, shortened version of your name, dog mom

Nicknames for him-

dog dad, charlie, love


-lets you snuggle with the dogs

-pampers you 25/8

-watches reality tv with you

-bakes for you, but fails badly

Favorite Game to play-

i see him as a pictionary dude, is that wrong? or maybe a card game like war (lmao, he'd run away)

how he asked you out-

he asked you to go with him to the dog park through text. where else were you expecting? its lee for gods sake.

How he is when drunk-

-sImBa (PUT THE DOG DOWN NOW!) lmao i do that with my cat

-crashes on a dog bed randomly...

-hangovers are spent running with the dogs, lmao

-vine marathons all day. #hangovercure

gift he gets you-

-a baseball hat that says dog mum or this necklace

-a baseball hat that says dog mum or this necklace

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gifts you get him-

-a hat with dog dad on it or this teeshirt

-a hat with dog dad on it or this teeshirt

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where he kisses you-

he kisses you behind your ear or on your head.

would he survive the hunger games-

he'd become friends with the mutts and get them to kill everyone.

when they're assigned essays-

says his dog eats them. which they usually do, lmao

dating him includes-

-dogs. dogs. dogs.

-having to put up with people calling him a coward

-cute moments with him

-him trying to teach you to bake, you almost burning the house down boiling water

-saying 'love you' a lot

there you go!

any other characters y'all want me to add?

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