how they react when they think you're actually hurt (you're not)

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-he pulls out the medical books that 'he's been reading' 

-is a fucking doctor

-get sad when you tell him you're lying

-'but i wanted to put my expertise to the test!


-concerned bf tm

-gives you a turtle to hold 'for medical purposes'

-is relived when you say you're lying

-'thank gods! i was so worried'


-he's calling the hospital

-gives you a peice of bread (baguette, obvi) for 'a reason dumbass'

-gets indignant when you tell him you're lying

-'dammit! why do you do this!


-sew you a fucking cast in like 3 minutes

-'herc-' 'no, shhhh, be calm you'll be okay'

-look slowly at you when you tell him you were lying

- 'why would you do this to me? sad boi


-is calm

-gives you a bandaid 

-'if it doesn't stop bleeding in 10 minutes, we're going to the doctor

-he totally knew you were lying


-frantic boi

-runs around throwing stuff together for a hospital bag

-doesn't stop when you tell him it was a joke

-hugs you for like an hour afterwards


-is calm

-dad mode: on

-okay, so clean it up, and ill check the depth.

- was totally prepared to stich you up


you don't do it. you'd give him a heart attack poor baby!

king george


-is about to take you to the er for a freaking splinter

-why would you do this! you scared me!

-you have to comfort him for like 2 hours


-protective gf mode: on

-okay, who did this? i'll kill them

-she sits on you because she knew it was fake

-would totally carry you 4 miles to the hospital (speedy girl)


-scared bby

-are you okay???

-thinks you're gonna die

-paints you a picture of her emotions when she hear you lied


-knows exactly what to do

-dr. maria now

-is actually freaking terrified

-professional maria


-mom mode- to the max!

-cleans up the 'wound'

-thats fake, isn't it?

-you bake her cookies and she forgives you


-dogs for protection and comfort

-is a bit frantic, tbh

-wants to take you to the hospital


-terrified bean

-freaks out that it's his fault

-you fell really bad rn

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