Girl trouble

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POV of Tokoyami
You kept starring up until Bakugo walks up and asks the girls and says the worst thing any boy could possibly tell a girl. "Why are all your faces messed up?". "Oh no-" you hear Sero groan. "EXCUSE ME?!?"Mina screams standing up. "He really messed up now" you hear Kaminari say. You watch as (Y/N) Shoots up and says "It's make up, you jerk." "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!?!". "Oh don't tell me your brain dead too A JERK, who walks around telling girls their faces are messed up!" (Y/N) Says clearly. You blink and choke a little on your food. "She's brave"Deku says. "Try stupid" Mineta says. You glare angrily at Mineta and he says "Or smart, really really smart" You hear Bakugo reply with"SHUT UP YOU DAMN EXTRA! I-" Iida stops him and apologizes profusely. You all stand up and apologize knowing it's the only hope you have if you want the girls to even talk to you. "I'm not sorry" Bakugo huff's. (Y/N) says "I've suddenly lost my appetite" and the rest of the girls leave. Bakugo sits down, and when the girls are out of ear shot Kaminari says "Are you just dumb or want all the girls to hate us?!". "Hey their faces did look worse" Bakugo says eating his food. "You disgust me Bakugo, truly." Iida says. "We're all classmates, we should be working together to grow not bring each other down" Iida says in an angry voice. "You have no right to judge their apperance" Ojiro says. Deku says "I agree Ka-chan, they all looked different but in a better way not ugly!". "SHUT UP YOU DAMN NERD!" Bakugo says. You hear everyone continue to talk and notice the girls leaving. "What will (Y/N) Think?" You wonder as you sigh and hear the boys continue to tell off Bakugo. Finally, Todoroki says "ENOUGH! All of this yelling is giving me a head ache." "Agreed" Iida says and stands up to make an announcement. "We will all do something for the girls to apologize, weather you agree or not what you did was disrespectful and will not be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?" Iida says. Bakugo looks livid and almost responds when kirishima stops him and says "You were pretty mean Bakugo, don't let this go down so unmanly like" Bakugo sighs and says "FINE! But I'm doing it for myself not because you damn nerds told me too got it?". You hear Sero say "What can we do that will make them all feel better?". You chime in and say "It would have to be something big after that display of disrespect." Everyone falls silent and Kirishima Says "I have an idea. It's not very manly, but I think it'll be a good apology". You all listen intrigued, and Kirishima begins to explain. "Why don't we make them each a gift basket and give it to them when they get back?" He said. "But there are 12 boys and 7 girls, what would the rest do?" Deku says. "I could make them all cup cakes!" Satou offers. "That could work" Iida says. "I could make them fresh ice cream using my ice quirk" Todoroki says. "I can customize the baskets with all of the glitter I have in my room" Aoyama says. "It's agreed, we have to hurry. We don't know when the girls will be back. Satou, start baking! Bakugo Tokoyami and I will go look for snacks and baskets, the rest of you help baking and start writing an apology letter for each girl then print them out. Understood?" "YES CLASS REP!" Everyone says and take off to do their task. You quickly head out chasing after Iida, who seems to be running top speed towards the nearest Daiso. "SLOW DOWN YOU DAMN EXTRA!" Bakugo yells chasing after Iida. You hop onto your bike and start peddling. "Dark shadow, grab Bakugo" dark shadow agrees and picks up Bakugo. "HEY! PUT ME DOWN YOU DAMN EXTRA!" You sigh and say "This will be quicker, we don't have time to wait for you. Your the one who caused this mess so let's do or best to fix it." Bakugo sighs and let's dark shadow continue as you rush to keep up with Iida. You reach the store and Iida hands you each a basket. "Bakugo grab snacks and drinks, Tokoyami grab some baskets and make up items. I'll look for cute things for every girl individually got it?" "Whose paying for this exactly?"Bakugo says "I am Iida" says holding up a black card. I forget he's loaded you think and Iida continues "So grab anything, cute sparkly or that you think they would like. Now BREAK!"

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