Pure Intentions

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You feel yourself walk to the door, only to stop and feel sound waves hit you. "It's present mic!" You say to Tokoyami, who barely hears you over the shouting of the teacher. "Yoooo little listener open the door!"
You gulp and realize how incriminating it looks, Tokoyami realizing the same thing. You quickly say "I can escape out the balcony, don't worry" "How?' Tokoyami says confused. "I may or may not be able to make a frequency to float that I've been saving for emergencies??" You say. Tokoyami nods, and you quickly step out onto the balcony the door closing behinde you. You quickly hum a low tune, which makes you float, while also switching between low and high frequencies. Within seconds you are floating to the other side of building towards your own balcony and land. "I knew those extra hours training back in America would come in handy" you think smiling. You hear your phone ping, a text from Jirou
"Yo, Kaminari spilt the beans in front of Present mic"
"So he knows we kissed?" You ask
Jirou says "Worse. He thinks you did the deed because Kaminari said Tokoyami was "Getting some". "
You gulp. A knock at the door makes you more nervous.
You open the door to see Midnight and Aizawa sensei.
"Hello Mr. Aizawa and midnight sensei. Can I help you?"
Mr. Aizawa seems half asleep, but asks "Have you seen Tokoyami today?" You think and say "Yes. We watched a movie in his room earlier though I assure you Tokoyami was a gentleman entirely. He even gave me my own chair to sit in" you recall the two chairs next to Tokoyami's bed from his room earlier. "Just watching movies?" Midnight says in a dissapointed tone. "Yes? Well we ate some snacks but-"
"Nothing else?" She asks more suggestively. " With all due respect Midnight Sensei, Tokoyami respects me and I respect him. We would never do anything along the lines you think we would be doing." You say. Mr. Aizawa says "You both seem as though you are good rule abiding students-" Midnight stops Mr. Aizawa and says "Leave us to talk. She will be more comfortable with a female figure than you" she says. Mr. Aizawa arches an eyebrow but sighs and says "Don't put ideas in her head." She nods and shuts the door. "So was it truly that pure as you made it sound?" Midnight asks. "We didn't DO anything. We watched the movie, held hands and ate snacks." Midnight takes paces for a bit, then adds "You are young and seem like an intelligent girl (Y/N), though I offer advice from my expirence as a woman who is a pro hero. When dating someone in your class especially when you both train to be heros, you must know the risk you are both taking of not only things not working out but someone getting hurt in battle." You gulp, a new lump in your throat. "Hurt?". "You are both training to be heros and have already experienced a true villain attack. I am not saying to be worried, but I am saying to be prepared in case a situation does arise. Have fun and enjoy your youth, but also recall the risks you are taking. I say this not to upset or worry you, but because I know you would rather hear it from me than be in that situation without having thought before. I do not mean break up with Tokoyami, but prepare yourself mentally for what you may be put through in the future." Midnight sensei says putting a hand on your shoulder. "Yes, I will do my best to wrap my head around that" you say acknowledging Midnight's wisdom. "I worry about it, but I also know Tokoyami is strong and will grow stronger. Its unavoidable to think, but better now than later. Thank you Midnight sensei" you say truly greatful. "Of course. Also, did you two actually do anything else?" You crack a little and say "Just a kiss. Nothing else." "I believe you." Midnight sensei says. "Though, just in case" she hands you a bag and heads for the door while saying "Be careful, I know you are smart". You say thank you then look in the bag and pull out a weird dial shaped container, which oddly looks like birth control. You drop the bag and its contents and feel your face go incredibly red. "Is this a joke or a test?" You mumble too dumbfounded for words to explain.
Tokoyami's POV
You make sure (Y/N) is out of sight and open the door. Present Mic walks in while listening to loud punk music. "How may I assist you Present mic?". Present mic does a 360 of the room, and says "Word on the street is you had a little lady in here?" Your phone buzzes and a text from Shouji arrives. "Hey Tokoyami, Kaminari said "you were "getting some" Then Present mic Mr. Aizawa and Midnight shot up there. Be careful"
"Little late but thanks for the info" you type sighing. You respond to Present mic with "Yes, (Y/N) And I were watching a movie up here a little earlier. Though I assure you we did nothing along the intentions you think." Present mic looks at the bed, with nice unwrinkled sheets you took the liberty of fixing and threw the snacks in the chairs next to your bed. "Looks like your telling the truth. No shenanigans?" You nod and say "None. I try to be a perfect gentlemen". Present mic nods and says "Good little listener, however be careful. Dating can be fun but don't forget the rules." "What do you mean?" You ask intrigued. Present mic lifts his glasses and says "Don't do anything along the lines of more than some kisses here and hand holding there. You both seem like good little listeners but regardless it has to be said. I don't want to sound like Aizawa and kill the music, but as your teacher I tell you to use protection if you do anything. Not that I suggest doing anything but just be smart. I know you are little listener." Present mic says putting his glasses on. You blink, surprised Present mic would even hint towards that but nod and say "Of course. Thank you, I think. I assure you my intentions with (Y/N) are pure." Are they? You wonder slightly. Present mic nods and says "I believe ya, well I'll be heading out little listener." And he walks out, but not before tossing you a little bag "By the way, midnight sensei told me to give you this." "thank you?" You say a little confused. Mic leaves and you open a bag, with condoms. "Is this a sick joke-" you think and drop the bag, it's contents going everywhere. You reach to pick them up, and the door bursts open Sero and Denki practically fall in
"Oh no" you say.

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