A Mad Banquet of Darkness

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You quickly tie the back of your dress, and look at your face in the mirror. You were wearing black eyeshadow, black eyeliner, even black lipstick. You liked the make up look, and put on a black lacey choker. You smile and think "I wonder what Toko will think of all this." You lastly slip into a black pair of small heels, and a knock at the door interrupts your thoughts. You breath in, and open the door to Tokoyami wearing a black shirt, black pants and with the new cape you bought him. The silver clasps of the cape were shinny, and Tokoyami stood there staring at you as his mouth fell open. "Y-y-ou look-" he stammered. You chuckle and say "I'm glad you approve, my Lord." In a seemingly teasing voice. "Of course, my queen. Your beauty never fails to enchant me." He says playing along. You laugh and walk out towards the party downstairs. You walk out,of the elevator, and see Kirishima dressed as a wolf, while Talking to a Pikatchu Kaminari and a carpenter Sero. You walk over to Mina and Iida, where you hear Mina say "Wow! You guys look so cute and dark together " she says. "Dark indeed, is that a new cape Tokoyami?" Iida says chopping air. "Yes, my queen here gave it to me for my day of birth celebration." He says smiling at you. You chuckle and say "It really does suit you " you say taking his arm. You peacefully both walk to the snack table, and drink some punch that looks oddly like blood. You sip it peacefully, until Jirou starts playing some music. The song sounds catchy, and Tokoyami notices you swaying to the beat. "Can we dance toko?" Tokoyami sighs and says "Alas, I have but two left feet." You say "I can fix that" as you pull him to the dance floor and start dancing. Tokoyami dances, barely but he does. You chuckle, and soon a slow song comes on. A few people dance, and you carefully place your arms on Tokoyami's neck. You hug him and you both gently dance to the music. Tokoyami is now a notable shade of red, and you say "How is this mad banquet of darkness?". Tokoyami smiles and says "It was rather dark, until the light of my eyes made it brighter" he says smiling looking down at you.
You giggle and say "And I enjoy the darkness. I don't quite think you would enjoy being called a light, my love " you say. "The light is something that weakens dark shadow, however you have made me stronger. A better person if you will." Tokoyami says as he twirls you. You blink and say "You've always seemed to be a good person even before we were together toko." Tokoyami thinks for a second before saying "I was not nearly as happy before I met you. I was working only towards my goal of being a pro hero and even forgot how to have fun, I fear." Tokoyami says a dark look in his eye. You look into his dark eyes and say "Well, I'm glad I can help you have fun. And be a better person. I'll always think your amazing" you say smiling. Tokoyami blushes, and the song ends. You walk over to hear Ochaco telling Deku how his all might costume was cool, and evidentially both were blushing. You say "I wonder if those two will ever end up together." You whisper to Tokoyami. Tokoyami smiles, and whispers back "I fear they are both to oblivious to take any steps past friends." You sigh and say "Maybe, maybe not. I guess only time will tell." You walk over to the TV, which is showing a horror movie. A gorey scene fills the tv, and Tokoyami covers your eyes with his hand. "Toko?" You ask. Tokoyami says "You are too pure to see something so brutal." You laugh and say "My my aren't you being protective of what I see?" Tokoyami says "I wouldn't want you to get scared, my dear " you chuckle and say "I'm not terrified of bloody scenes. Besides, its not really happening-" ironically as you say that, you see Bakugo run by
With a bloody knife.
"I stand corrected" you nervously gulp as a terrified Deku runs away. Iida is now chasing Bakugo, and the chase leads outside the dorms. "DEKU YOU BASTARD!! I'LL KILL YOU!!" You hear being screamed. "I pray that is a bloody prop." Tokoyami says "Perhaps we should assist Deku before Something bad happens?" You say. "Aside from murder which I doubt would happen, what could go wrong?" Tokoyami asks. You answer comes at the expense of Mr. Aizawa walking into the dorms. You gulp and say "Either we find them, and calm this down or HE WILL " You say hurrying to the door Tokoyami at your heels. You quickly look around, and see Iida fly by Deku in his arms. "Oh dear " you say as Iida rushes into the dorms. "Dark shadow!" Tokoyami calls and dark shadow appears, grabbing Bakugo off the ground. Bakugo yells, and makes an explosion. "That'll weaken dark shadow, I have to act quickly" you think singing with your voice. You summon around ten frequency strands, using them to secure Bakugo and one to take away the knife. You carefully grab it and inspect it. Tokoyami says "Allow me, I would never forgive myself if you got hurt." Carefully,  Tokoyami touches the tip of the knife making sure not to apply too much pressure. Tokoyami breaths a sigh of relief as he says "It isn't real. Pity Midoriya and Iida did not know that " he says as you sing making sure the frequency's let Bakugo go. "Of course it's fake what did you think it was real?" Bakugo says snatching the knife back. You reply with "Chasing someone with a bloody knife screaming "I'LL KILL YOU" makes someone think your weapon is real, yes " you say sarcastically. Tokoyami stifles a laugh and Bakugo and you both quickly walk back in.
You spend the night eating spooky treats, watching movies and playing party games.

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